Chapter 6

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I wake up, breathing heavily. Another nightmare. I grab my bag, making sure everything is still there. I take my phone out, and look at the time, 8:03am. I didn't really have a great sleep, It's difficult to have a good sleep when you are sleeping on a random bench in a park.

I get up, and put on deodorant and body spray, because I don't really want to smell bad when I meet up with Jane.

For the next few hours, I just wander around the town, looking at all the buildings. At 1:40pm I start making my way to the cafe where I am meant to meet Jane.

I make it to the cafe 10 minutes early, so I just sit out the front, scrolling on my phone.

After 10 minutes, I'm still scrolling on my phone. I feel someone's hands on my shoulders, and a voice saying

I jump up and turn around, and see that it's Jane.

"Oh my god, you scared me!" I exclaim.

"Sorry! But not really, it was kinda funny" she laughs.

"Okay, I guess it was a little" I say, trying to hold back a laugh but failing.

Jane sits down in front of me, and we order our drinks.

Jane orders a black coffee with a scone, and I order a small latte and a cookie. I go to pay for it, but Jane gets there first.

"You didn't have to do that, I could've done it!" I say.

"I invited you here, so it's only fair that I pay for it" she replies.

We go back over to the table, and start eating.
We talk for a bit, and get to know each other more. I'm starting to trust Jane a lot.

We end up talking for 2 hours, then we decide to walk around, since my legs are gone dead.

"Just a question, do you have a certain time you need to be home by? I don't want your parents to worry" Jane asks me.

"I... um... no?" I say, but it comes out almost like a question.

"What do you mean? You sound like you're questioning yourself"

"Well.... uh... my dad doesn't know I'm here.."

"Why didn't you tell him? He might be getting worried. I don't want you to get into trouble because of me" Jane says. I could hear the worry in her voice.

"Oh.... well I kinda ran away....."

A/N- Another chapter out! Sorry it's been like a week since I last updated, I had 3 school projects all due in the same week, so that was fun. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter, I might rewrite it at a later date, I'm not too sure.

-Veronica🌻 (Also this isn't my actual name, I'd just rather be called it online. And Veronica in this story isn't me lol I just really like the name. I might change her name to avoid confusion, idk, lmk what you think would be better)

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