Something Important

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Hello everyone! So ... funny story .... at this time yesterday, I didn't have any of this chapter written. I had an outline, but no actual chapter. So, I sat myself down and wrote this in like 24 hours ... and it actually turned out to be longer than my usual chapters haha. I don't know if y'all are ready for this, but you can only find out by reading it! Hope y'all enjoy!

Story Playlist (in case anyone wants the link again):

Song Recs:

Tuck Your Head Under the Covers - Myylo, JORDY

That Kind of Love - MAX


"Man, I'm exhausted. I can't wait to just crash in bed." Taehyun walked up to the room that led to his dorm, his body slow as the exhaustion continued to set in. He put his key into the lock, turning it to unlock the door. Before he could unlock the door, his mind wandered. "I wonder if Kai is back yet."

Taehyun opened the door, taking his shoes off at the entrance while the door closed behind him. He locked the door, bringing his bag with him as he moved towards the kitchen to find something to eat. When he reached the kitchen, he saw a familiar figure sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Kai!" He watched as Kai's head slowly turned to face him, a glare staring back at him. Taehyun's smile fell slightly, the glare never leaving Kai's face. "Did practice go well?"

Taehyun watched as Kai sighed, getting up off the couch as he left the television on. Kai moved his eyes to the floor as he grabbed his few things from the coffee table in the living room. He quickly moved past Taehyun, moving down the small hallway towards his bedroom. Taehyun could do nothing but watch as the boy didn't even look at him.


The boy placed his hand on his bedroom door, looking at Taehyun one more time before scoffing slightly and moving into his bedroom. Before Taehyun could even think to follow the boy, he heard the soft sound of the door locking. His face fell immediately, his brain trying to piece the events together from the last minute.

"I guess he had a bad day at practice. I'll check on him tomorrow, since it looks like he wants to be alone tonight."

Taehyun took another longing look towards Kai's room before turning around to grab something eat. However, his appetite had almost disappeared, only grabbing a small granola bar before walking towards the living room and turning the television off. He slowly moved to his bedroom door that was next to Kai's.

He couldn't help but look at Kai's door once more before sighing loudly. He gripped his bedroom door handle, walking in slowly as he placed his bag by the door. He kept walking to his bed, laying down and feeling the mattress engulf him. He knew he needed to brush his teeth and wash up, but he didn't have the energy to get up.

He felt something by his feet, moving slightly and looking down to see a flying squirrel plushie that Kai had gotten him for his birthday this past February. He couldn't help but smile, but it was almost bittersweet. He moved to grab the plushie, moving back on his side as he cuddled it softly.

"I hope everything's okay. But ... something's weird. It's almost as if he couldn't even look at me."

Taehyun only held the plushie tighter, no longer having the will to wash up and only wanting to sleep. He decided to give his friend space, hoping that he would come around tomorrow. Taehyun's eyes became heavy as he fell asleep, cuddling the flying squirrel plushie as he escaped into dreamland.

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