Green Heart

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Hey everyone! For those who were able to join my Insta Live the other day, I hope you had fun! I had a blast talking to you and answering your questions. I'm definitely planning on doing another one (and possibly more if requested), as I had a great time doing so.

So, I mentioned it in the live, but I think y'all are going to enjoy this chapter!! I'm excited to see what y'all think about it. This chapter ended up longer than I first anticipated, but someone in live had asked when I would mention Kai next (as he hasn't shown up for a hot minute), and he'll be here. But doing what? You'll have to read to find out! I hope you enjoy it! =^_^=

Song Recs: (There's a lot, as I got a lot of inspiration for this chapter haha)

Higher Love - Charming Horses ft. Grace Grundy

Love Sight - TXT

Next To Me - Double or Nothing

Kiss the Boy - Keiynan Lonsdale

Forever and Always - Parachute


Soobin could feel his nose crinkle as his eyes shut tighter. He could feel light pouring in the window of the hospital room, trying to keep his eyes shut so that he could sleep longer. He stretched his legs while he laid on his side, groaning a bit as his eyes squinted open slightly. The bright light of the sun took some time to adjust to, but as he became more conscious, he felt something strange.

Why do I feel like there's a weight on me?

He slowly turned his head away from the window, his eyes still squinting as they tried to adjust. He fell onto his back as he was shocked awake, his eyes now wide. He slowly rubbed his eyes, trying to prove to himself that he wasn't dreaming.

Yeonjun's arm ... is ... wrapped around me? How ... How long has he been able to touch me?

Soobin froze as he watched Yeonjun move in his sleep, as if his body was subconsciously trying to get into a better position. After he settled, he had pulled Soobin closer, the slight tug another reminder that this was real.

"I-I must be dreaming right now."

Soobin said it in a whisper. The last thing he wanted to do was wake the other up from his slumber. It was only now that Soobin realized just how close he was to the other boy, not much space between them. Soobin slowly moved back to his side, now facing Yeonjun as the other slept. He could feel Yeonjun's arm subconsciously try to pull him closer once again, causing Soobin to smile.

"You look cute when you sleep."

Soobin moved his left hand towards Yeonjun's face before flinching. Even though Yeonjun's arm was touching his side, he couldn't help but worry that he'd fall through the boy in front of him. After a deep breath, Soobin moved his hand slowly forward until the tip of his point finger touched the bridge of Yeonjun's nose.

Soobin couldn't help but smile, able to feel the skin of the boy in front of him. He rubbed his finger along the bridge of Yeonjun's nose, eventually reaching the tip of it. Yeonjun twitched his nose but didn't wake up from the touch. Soobin tried to keep his chuckle under wraps, smile slowly fading as he focused on his finger that was still able to touch Yeonjun's nose.

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