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Hey everyone! I'm back again with another update. I'm not gonna lie .... this one's gonna be a bit heavy again ... so sorry about that. Either way, I hope y'all enjoy it! =^_^=

Song Recs:

Trauma - NF

Paralyzed - NF


"Are you sure you want to go right back to school? You can stay at home for a while, and we can drive you to classes. If someone really did hurt you, they could still be out there."

"Mom." Soobin looked to his mom that was in the passenger seat of the car, his dad just having stopped the car as close to his son's dorm as he could. "I'll be fine. I'll be sure to text you every day. I can even have Beomgyu send you updates if that makes you feel better."

Soobin's mom laughed slightly at her son's last statement, knowing that, even though it was meant to be a joke, Soobin would do it if it would make her feel more comfortable. She looked at her husband before sighing and looking back at Soobin.

"Okay, okay. But try to text me every day. At least once every other day." Soobin's mom held a slightly serious tone, wanting to make sure that Soobin got her message.

"Of course." Soobin looked out the window to see his dorm in the distance. He looked in the opposite direction for a second before looking back at his mom. "I have more people looking out for me than you think."

Before Soobin's mom could try to keep him any longer, Soobin opened the car door, hopping out slightly and grabbing his bag of things. He closed the door, noticing that his mom was rolling down the window. He waited for it to come down all the way, leaning on his one leg as he waited for her to speak up. There was a bit of silence, Soobin's mom looking towards the ground before looking back at her son.

"I love you. Stay safe."

Soobin smiled, moving his blue hair out of his eyes as he watched his dad move forward to be seen past his wife. "Be safe, son."

Soobin smiled wide, looking to the ground before looking back at them both. He was able to see the love pouring out of both of their eyes. "I will. I promise."

Soobin waved before he turned around to walk towards the dorm. He could hear the car drive away, finally letting out a large sigh as he reached into his bag. He grabbed the incense in his bag, switching the device to "off." He placed the object back in his bag before turning to his right.

"Sorry. That must have been really awkward for you." Soobin watched as the pink-haired man looked at him, his hands in his pockets as he smiled.

"No worries. I know no one else can see me, so talking to me in the car probably would have sparked some questions." Yeonjun laughed slightly, lightening the mood as they both started walking to Soobin's dorm. "Your parents seem sweet though. I can see that they both really care about you."

Soobin was happy that the campus wasn't too busy, able to talk to Yeonjun at a decent volume without turning heads. He could feel a light breeze brushing his hair, but when he looked at Yeonjun, he could tell that the breeze was going right through him.

Soobin had spent almost a week in the hospital, Yeonjun spending almost his entire stay with him in the hospital room. They were only ever able to touch each other for fleeting moments, usually occurring when they were waking up for the day. So, Soobin was still trying to figure out how everything worked, trying to not get frustrated in the process.

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