The Letter

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Hey everyone! So, originally , I planned for this chapter to be half Taegyu and half Yeonbin. But when I got to writing the Taegyu part ... well, I went a bit overboard haha. So, this entire chapter is Taegyu. I hope that's okay! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! =^_^=


Taehyun rubbed his eyes for the hundredth time today, tiredness flowing through his body. His last class finally ended for the day, slowly trudging his way out of the science building. After not getting any sleep the night before, the lab he had to do was even more difficult than it should have been. He was just happy he didn't mix any of the wrong chemicals together.

After a long sigh, he continued his walk towards his dorm building. Even though his stomach was growling, he couldn't bring himself to grab any food, only wanting to lay in his bed and try to get some rest. He'd been having nightmares more than usual, wanting nothing more than to get some peaceful rest.

On his way to his dorm, he passed by a building that was known as "The Hub." It had a couple small to-go food places, a bookstore, a couple conference rooms, a small theater for guest speakers, and the mailroom. When passing by the building, Taehyun had remembered that he hadn't looked in his mailbox in weeks.

I should probably stop by my mailbox. My parents always tend to send me care packages every once in a while. I wouldn't want anything to go to waste. But ... I'm so exhausted. Do I really need to do this today?

After another long sigh, Taehyun turned his body towards The Hub, his body still heavy. Once in the building, he realized just how crowded the building was. He attributed it to classes all getting out not that long ago. He mentally prepared himself before finding the stairs, the mailroom being on the bottom floor. After slowly walking down the stairs, he moved directly to his mailbox, not wanting to waste any time.

"Here it is. #0304. And ... it looks like there's something inside. Probably from my mom."

Taehyun entered his combination, the small door to his mailbox opening easily as he noticed a single envelope inside. His eyes were heavy as he looked at the front of the envelope. However, all he saw was the name "Taehyun" written in black ink on the front, and it was sealed shut.

"This doesn't look like the letters my mom usually sends. Maybe it's just something from the school."

Taehyun placed the envelope in his bag before walking back up the stairs and leaving The Hub. As he was walking back to his dorm, he felt the warm breeze hit his face, smiling slightly as the scene of the sun beginning to set caused his muscles to relax.

When he finally reached his dorm, he could feel his tiredness taking over. He moved to the couch, moving his bag next to him on the couch. He turned the television on to create white noise before pulling the letter back out of his bag.

"I wonder what this could be."

After carefully opening the envelope, he noticed a single letter inside. He didn't think much of it, relaxing on the couch as he opened it up to read it. The entire letter looked as if it was carefully written, black ink carefully placed on the paper. He unfolded the letter fully before reading it.


I want to understand what happened. Meet me outside of the music building this Thursday at 6:00PM if you get this in time. I just want to talk.

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