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Hey everyone! So, a couple things about this chapter. It's a bit longer than usual, so I hope that's okay. But man, is this a roller coaster of a chapter. I think this is where things will start to pick up (hopefully), so thanks for sticking with me until now! I hope y'all are ready for this, and I can't wait to see what you think! =^_^=


"So, it looks like we're still at a dead end. I'm sorry I couldn't get any leads on that night."

Soobin was making a snack in his small kitchen in his dorm after his last class. Yeonjun was sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for the other to join him. It was easy for the pink-haired boy to see the distress slowly creeping off Soobin no matter how much the other tried to hide it.

"Soobin, it's fine. There's really no rush."

It was the day after talking with Taehyun, and Soobin was losing confidence that he'd ever be able to help Yeonjun figure out how he really died. After Kai and Taehyun hadn't mentioned anything out of the ordinary, Soobin wasn't sure where to go next.

"But my job is to help you, and I feel like I'm failing."

"Soobin." Soobin was startled by the seriousness in Yeonjun's voice, quickly ignoring his food to face him. "This isn't supposed to be a job. You aren't obligated to help me at all. I'm glad that you are, but there's no reason to stress over it."

Soobin was frozen, his food long forgotten. He could feel his anxiety rising, worried that he said something irreversible. The stress of the approaching finals week was getting to him along with the stress of trying to figure out what happened to Yeonjun.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean it like that." Soobin's eyes began to wander, as if they were too nervous to land on the man in front of him.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. I didn't take it in a bad way. I know how much effort you're putting into helping me, and I really do appreciate it. But I don't want you to feel like you need to do anything for me. Although, I will say ..." Yeonjun stood up and walked towards Soobin, stopping directly in front of him, "I wouldn't mind if we didn't find out for a while."

Soobin's face contorted into confusion at the last sentence. "What? Why?"

"It means I get to spend more time with you."

Yeonjun bit his bottom lip slightly, shy at what he admitted. He could see Soobin's eyes widen for a split second, his mouth left agape as he absorbed the new information. Yeonjun could feel his nerves kicking in, taking a step back towards the kitchen table.

"S-sorry. That was stupid of me to say." Yeonjun took a couple steps back before he heard another voice speak.

"I like spending time with you, too." Yeonjun looked back at Soobin, the man in question looking at the floor with his hands playing together in front of him. "A lot."

Soobin could feel his cheeks heating up, quickly grabbing is snack off the counter before walking to the kitchen table in hopes that the redness in his face would calm down slightly. Yeonjun couldn't help but smile, watching the boy pass him quickly. He could feel his own cheeks heat up as he noticed that he was still biting his bottom lip, releasing it before turning around to follow the other.

Once they were both seated at the table, it was as if an awkward air came over both of them, neither one keen on breaking the silence they fell into. Soobin was busy keeping his head down into his snack, and Yeonjun couldn't help but stare at the boy in front of him, trying to soak in all the details of his face. He was so out of it that he hadn't noticed the same snack Soobin was having appear in front of him.

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