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So .... y'all have been waiting for this update, especially since I left y'all on a cliffhanger last week. But are you ready? Like are you really ready for what's about to happen? All I can ask is that you don't blame me for what you read (even though I did write it haha).

But in all honesty, this chapter is definitely ... something ... like maybe grab tissues? And a blanket? Or maybe I'm being overdramatic. Either way, I hope y'all enjoy the chapter!

Also, I realized while writing this that this is chapter 26. And since I've been updating weekly, this means that I've been writing this story for half a year!!!! That's crazy!!! I can't believe it's been that long since I released the first chapter, but I'm so happy that y'all have been enjoying it so far, and I can only hope that you like where the story goes in the future. Thank you for the support!

Hope y'all enjoy the chapter!! =^_^=

Song Suggestion: You Found Me - The Fray


"Man, this place is deserted."

Yeonjun had been walking towards the bar for a couple minutes, quickly realizing how empty the city looked. Now that it was dark out, he'd expected this area to become a bit livelier. However, the streets only had the occasional person walking by, the streetlights illuminating the sidewalk for nobody. Yeonjun couldn't help but get an ominous feeling, as if something wasn't quite right.

This area, especially around all the bars and clubs, should be booming with life right about now. What gives? Why does this place look so empty? So deserted? It's probably just in your head.

Yeonjun kept walking until he could see the bar in sight. The strange, ominous feeling only continued to grow in his chest, as if being back at the scene of his death was triggering some memories he had tried so hard to lock away. After a couple deep breaths while closing his eyes, he felt centered enough to approach the building.

Even when he was a couple feet from the front door, he could tell that the bar wasn't as busy as it usually was. Usually, you could hear the rowdiness of the bar patrons from two blocks away, but tonight, all Yeonjun could hear was the soft buzz of the music from inside. He approached the door but stood in front of it for a couple seconds too long.

"It's now or never."

Yeonjun closed his eyes as he walked through the door, still disliking the feeling of moving through it. When he opened his eyes, he gave himself a couple seconds to adjust to the light. When his eyes finally focused, he was frozen in place. Everything seemed just like he remembered it, just like what he's seen on repeat in his flashbacks, except for the fact that the place wasn't packed tonight.

Yeonjun slowly walked around the building, the music causing him to sway slightly as he danced while he moved. He couldn't help but smile, music always having a way of cheering him up, even in death. After taking in everything, he took a moment to figure out what to do next.

"It looks like they're dead tonight which is strange to say the least. But I still love the vibe of this place." Yeonjun walked closer to the bar, taking in all the memorabilia that was hanging on the walls. He eventually glanced towards the bar, noticing a bartender that looked familiar.

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