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Hey everyone! As promised, here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it! =^_^=


"You ... you can hear me?"

Soobin kept his focus on his laptop, his fingers typing continuously. He could still feel the man's stare on him, the heat of the spring day not making the situation any easier. All he wished for now was a slight breeze to take away some of the heat.

Okay, Soobin. Don't indulge him. You already screwed up by saying something in the first place. If you just focus on your work, he'll get bored and leave you alone. At least, I hope so. But ... I feel bad for him, trying to talk to people that have no idea you're there. Maybe I should ...

"Hey. Hey!"

Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see that the man had moved closer to him, only sitting a couple feet away now. He was also waving one of his hands in front of him as if trying to get Soobin's attention. The more Soobin tried to focus on his work, the more he became distracted by the man next to him.

"Can you see me, too? Hey! Can you see me?"

Soobin could see the man was still waving his hands in front of him, showing no sign of giving up. Saying the movement was distracting was an understatement, making Soobin think of moving to a different spot to study. Soobin sighed, closing his laptop and grabbing his textbook without looking at the man to his side. He could see a pout forming on the man's lips, a sigh leaving his body.

Just before Soobin could stand up and move to a new spot, the man had tried touching Soobin's arm, his hand going straight through him. Whenever the dead had moved through Soobin, whether on purpose or by accident, it had always caused his body to shiver and go cold. Soobin visibly shivered, flinching away from the man's touch.

"Hey, don't do that."

Soobin realized his mistake right away, quickly standing up and beginning to walk towards the library to try and get the rest of his studying done. Even though he wasn't facing the man, he could tell he was being followed. The courtyard had become emptier as time passed, most people moving on to their next class or returning to their dorms to relax, something Soobin really wished he could do right now.

"You can see me. And hear me." Soobin continued to walk faster, trying to put some distance between them. The man just jogged back up to him, walking by his side at the same pace. "But ... why are you ignoring me?"

Even though Soobin was now walking at such a fast pace it could almost be called speed walking, the man kept up, his feet in time with Soobin to be sure he didn't lose him. Soobin continued to ignore the man, causing the man to stop dead in his tracks as Soobin kept moving forward. Once a couple feet away from the dead boy, Soobin heard him huff under his breath, but it came out more disappointed than anything.

"I finally find someone that can see me, and they want nothing to do with me. Great."

Soobin stopped dead in his tracks, sighing as he turned his head to the sky with closed eyes. He hadn't realized that the man had turned to walk back to the fountain, already a couple feet away from him at this point. When Soobin turned his head to see behind him, all he saw was the man slumped over and looking absolutely dejected, his hands in his pockets.

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