Start of a Long Day

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Hello everyone! I'm on time this week haha. So, I got a split response on who you wanted to see this chapter so ... I decided to include both Taegyu and Yeonbin. I hope that's okay! But be prepared, because this chapter starts off with angst. Prepared? Okay, well I hope you enjoy the chapter! =^_^=


Taehyun was walking throughout the music building, his nerves building. He wasn't exactly sure where he was, his nervousness causing him to get lost in the maze of a building. He looked around, trying to find a landmark that could lead him in the right direction.

"I'm so lost. Maybe this was a bad idea. I should just do this tomorrow. Or never. Never sounds like a good idea."

Taehyun made a sharp turn, moving back the way he came in hopes of finding the exit to the building. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down and clear his mind. He looked down at his hands, carrying a letter and small black box. Just looking at them caused his nerves to spike slightly.

He had been walking for at least five minutes straight with no exit in sight, sighing deeply as he began to lose hope. The longer he walked around the music building, the more he realized why he never entered this building without Kai. He pulled his cell phone out of his back pocket, getting ready to text Kai in hopes that his friend was still around and could help him get out of here.

"How did I get this lost? And how have I not seen one exit in the past five minutes?"

Taehyun had typed up a quick message to Kai, ready to press send when he heard voices in the distance. His thumb hovered over the send button as he listened in, wondering if he would recognize anybody talking. The voices were too muffled, no voice distinct enough for him to be able to discern it.

"Maybe one of them can help me out. Ugh, why did I think this was a good idea?"

Taehyun quickly walked towards the voices, placing his phone in his pocket without sending the text. Taehyun was never the most social person, but he wasn't against asking for help when he needed it. He held onto the letter and box as he got closer to the voices.

When he got closer, he noticed a couple students walking into a classroom. None of them seemed to acknowledge Taehyun's presence, but when the boy looked closer, he froze in his spot. The person he saw caused him to pause, but he quickly pulled out his phone, pretending to be busy as he tried to sneak a couple glances at the person in question.

Beomgyu must have been leaving band rehearsal, something Taehyun knew was always scheduled on this day of the week at this exact time. The man was surrounded by his bandmates, all of them having a lively conversation. When Taehyun looked up, all he could see was Beomgyu's brilliant smile, the man's happiness contagious as Taehyun found his lips upturned as well.

Taehyun was taking slow steps forward as he continued to pretend to play on his phone. He noticed the band members walking into a classroom, disappearing from view but their voices still heard. Taehyun looked down at the letter and box in his hand.

"I can't do this. I can't do this."

He began to panic slightly, his breathing becoming slightly erratic. He took a quick moment to slow his breathing, closing his eyes as he tried to center his mind. Once calming down, he took another look around, finally noticing an exit sign hanging from the ceiling. When he looked closer, he saw a set of doors, most likely leading to a set of stairs. Taehyun couldn't have been happier at seeing a way to get out of the building.

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