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Hey everyone! So after the way the last chapter ended, I hope y'all are excited to see what happens. Will questions be answered? Or will more pop up? We'll have to see! But I hope you enjoy the new chapter!


Yeonjun didn't think before he ran forward, the blonde's body laying limp on the grass next to a couple trees. With how dark the area was, Yeonjun was surprised Soobin saw the man at all, his blonde hair the only clue that anybody was there in the first place. Soobin was stuck in place, the shock of seeing the man's limp body too much for him in the moment as he waited for his medication to kick in.

Yeonjun quickly reached Taehyun, kneeling down as he looked for any sign of life. Yeonjun went to place his hands on Taehyun's shoulders to turn him over when his hands went directly through the boy's body. Yeonjun quickly pulled his hands back, even more terrified when the boy's body didn't even flinch.

"Soobin!" Yeonjun turned towards the man, his eyes filled with panic. "Help! Please, help!"

Soobin shook his head, snapping himself out of his shocked state as he rushed forward. He could see Yeonjun continue to try and touch Taehyun, as if trying to find a way to help. By the time Soobin reached Yeonjun and Taehyun, Yeonjun had tears starting to fall down his face. Soobin had rarely seen the dead cry, the emotions being so raw that they affected Soobin as well.

"I-I can't t-touch him. I-I don't know h-how to help him."

Yeonjun choked out the words, the emotion coursing through his as he frantically kept trying to touch the man in front of him. With every failed attempt came another rush of tears. Soobin took a glance at Yeonjun, absolutely broken at seeing the man so distraught. Soobin quickly brought his attention back to Taehyun, bring his pointer and middle finger to Taehyun's upper neck as he looked for a pulse while his eyes looked for any sign of breathing.

After moving his fingers closer to Taehyun's jaw, Soobin sighed in relief, his eyes closing as he tried to calm himself down. He could feel the thumps of Taehyun's heartbeat against his fingers, opening his eyes with another deep breath. He looked at Yeonjun who was still next to his friend but had stopped the attempts to try and help.

"He's alive. He's okay." He took another peak at Taehyun, re-establishing the pulse to be sure. When he looked back at Yeonjun, he saw the man had his hands covering his eyes. "Hey, hey. He's okay. We found him. He's going to be okay."

Soobin went to put his hand on Yeonjun's shoulder before pulling back, realizing that he had no way to truly comfort the man other than with his words. He placed his hand on Taehyun's forehead, feeling that his skin was a little warm to the touch. Seeing that it was still chilly outside from the breeze, Soobin became a little concerned. He began gently pulling on Taehyun's body, getting ready to pick him up.

"What are you doing?" Soobin looked to see that Yeonjun had composed himself, his eyes still slightly red-rimmed as he looked between Soobin and Taehyun.

"We need to get him to the medical center. He already has a fever, and we don't know why he collapsed in the first place."

Soobin finished picking up Taehyun, holding the man bridle style. While the blonde wasn't as tall as him, he wasn't short by any means. Soobin was surprised with how light the man's body was, although the boy's body was completely limp and made it difficult for Soobin to get a good hold on him. He made sure he had a secure grip on Taehyun before looking back to Yeonjun.

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