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Hey everyone! As promised, here is another chapter. I hope you all like it. =^_^=


Yeonjun just looked at Soobin in continued disbelief. The more Soobin focused, the more he could see the red aura around Yeonjun becoming clearer and clearer, now sure that it wasn't a mistake. After a couple seconds, Yeonjun snickered, slowly standing up.

"Soobin, I think I would know how I died. You're just messing with me."

"Yeonjun, please, you have to believe me. The only way for you to pass on from purgatory is to find out what really happened."

Soobin was still sitting on the fountain's edge, looking up at Yeonjun as he saw the other's expression become serious once again. Yeonjun's expression slowly showcased a twinge of anger, Soobin convinced he would have saw steam come out of his ears if that were possible.

"You don't believe me?" Yeonjun's hands slowly formed fists, trying to hold in his anger as best he could. "How can you not trust me?"

"It has nothing to do with trust. I believe that you think that's how you died. But I'm just ... I'm trying to help you."

"By calling me a liar?"

Soobin could tell that Yeonjun was extremely upset, standing up to try and reason with him. But before he could reach out to the other, Yeonjun turned away from him, his ponytail bouncing with every aggressive step he took. When he was about seven steps away, Yeonjun stopped abruptly before turning around.

"Thanks for nothing."

"Yeonjun ..." Soobin took a couple steps towards Yeonjun before the other put up a hand.

"Just ... leave me alone."

Soobin stopped in his tracks, Yeonjun turning around to continue walking away from the fountain, heading towards the area with the dorms. All Soobin could feel was absolute dread, his heart aching at the thought of hurting somebody, even if that "somebody" had already died. Soobin could see Yeonjun put his hands back in his pockets as he disappeared from view. His anxiety began to spike, turning back around to sit at the fountain. He could feel tears starting to prick at the corners of his eyes.

You were just trying to help. But you hurt him. You hurt someone. How can you live with yourself?

The panic and anxiety began to settle in, his deep breaths now becoming harsh and faster. He knew he had to get his breathing under control or get his anti-anxiety medication. Although, seeing that his medication was a fifteen-minute walk away to his dorm, that wasn't the best option. He interlocked his fingers, placing them behind his neck as he closed his eyes and focused on his breathing.

No matter what he did to try and calm down, his brain was running rampant with negative thoughts as his breathing became more erratic. His eyes were now closed permanently to try and gain some semblance of control. He couldn't breathe, almost gasping for air. He was so focused on himself that he hadn't seen a figure approach him.

"Soobin? Soobin, what's going on?" The mystery person sat next to Soobin, slowly and carefully grasping onto Soobin's hands and bringing them away from his neck and back in front of him. "Soobin, I need you to breathe."

Soobin finally opened his eyes, seeing his friend in front of him. He could feel a calmness slowly overcome him, forcing his lungs to take a deep breath. It was painful, every breath feeling as if he was being stabbed. He held onto his friend's hands, trying to look into his eyes the best he could.

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