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Hey everyone! So, I'm posting this chapter a bit early today, because I don't think I'll be home later to post it at the normal time and didn't want y'all waiting an extra day for it. This one is Taegyu centered, so I hope you're ready! =^_^=


Beomgyu took another sip out of the lukewarm coffee he had purchased from the hospital's cafeteria area. After getting to the hospital, the paramedics and nurses wheeled Soobin to a back area they weren't allowed to go. He had hope to see Soobin conscious by the time they got to the hospital, but there was no sign of life from the boy other than the constant beeping from his monitors.

The nurses had told Taehyun and him that the wait could be awhile before they could go back to see the older, wanting the blue-haired boy to be stable before having any company. After Taehyun and Beomgyu had mostly sat in silence for a couple hours, both of them still awkward around each other, Beomgyu had decided to go and get both of them some coffee to try and keep them awake.

And here Beomgyu was, taking another sip of his coffee as he looked at the hustle and bustle of the hospital, surprised at how busy it was during this hour. He swirled his coffee cup, realizing he only had a couple sips left before it would be empty. Before he could take another sip, he felt a weight hit his shoulder.

Beomgyu quickly turned his head to his right, afraid that something was wrong. However, his eyes met Taehyun's closed ones, the boy having fallen asleep after the rush of adrenaline from earlier. He could see Taehyun's nose crinkle as he unconsciously repositioned himself to be more comfortable. Beomgyu couldn't help but smile, nothing but fondness in his eyes as he slowly ran his free hand through the boy's blonde hair.

He could feel Taehyun sigh peacefully, as if the boy could finally breathe after the previous events in the night. With his face relaxed, Beomgyu could clearly see how beautiful the boy really was, his blonde hair complementing his tan complexion. Beomgyu could feel Taehyun leaning in slightly to his touch, able to do nothing but smile at the younger's actions.

"You deserve to rest. You worked hard today." Beomgyu smiled once more as he continued to run his hand through the blonde hair. "Thank you for keeping him alive."

Beomgyu's tone had become serious, his smile slowly fading as reality began to hit him like a ton of bricks. He knew that, if Taehyun hadn't been there with him, Soobin's chance of being alive right now would have been slim to none. He didn't want to get emotional, choosing to slide as close to the younger as possible, allowing the boy to get in the most comfortable position as he slept.

After another hour, Beomgyu began to doze off as well, his eyes dropping closed as he tried to remain conscious. However, the adrenaline rush he had earlier was wearing off and making it much harder to stay awake. His head was just about to fall when he heard some familiar voices.

"Beomgyu? Is that you?"

His eyes slowly opened as his brain tried to stay awake once more. He saw two figures approaching him quickly, both of them still in their jackets. He shook his head slightly, hoping that the action would help clear his vision. His eyes were squinted slightly as the figures became clearer.

"Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Choi. Hello." Beomgyu knew he sounded exhausted, his body still slouched slightly as he tried to wake up more.

"Are you waiting for Soobin? Do you know what happened? The nurses wouldn't give me any details over the phone, and I'm just worried about my son." Soobin's mom began to rant slightly, always making run-on sentences when she was anxious.

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