Lil Friend Called Axe

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(His axe is his buddy.)

"Hey. . .Hajime. . ."

Hinata looks over at the pink-haired mechanic. "Mmm?"

"I get that, uh, he's your boyfriend, and you love him and whatever. . ."


"But. . .do you really think it's a good idea to let him have a fucking axe?!"

Hinata glances over at the fluffy-haired boy crossing the hotel grounds towards the back of the Old Building with a sharp axe slung over his shoulder. He has a content smile on his face, and he's humming under his breath.

The brunet smiles. "There's nothing to worry about, Soda. He's just going to find Owari and Pekoyama. He's helping them chop firewood for the bonfire tonight. He'll be supervised." He assures him.

Soda looks uneasy. ". . .Still, what if he snaps and starts killing everyone with that axe? You know he's always been a little. . .you know."

Hinata rolls his eyes. "Relax. He'd never be able to overpower Pekoyama anyway. And besides, he'd probably only try to kill you, so no one will really care."


Hinata sighs. "If you distrust him so much even after all of that growth, then why don't you go help out?"

Soda stares at his feet. ". . .Come with me?"

The brunet groans loudly. "You are such a child. Honestly. Fine. Let's go."

Soda chuckles sheepishly before trotting after Komaeda, Hinata following close behind.


"Wow, Kokonut! That was such a powerful swing! Our training sessions are really paying off, huh?"

Komaeda beams, gently lowering the axe to the ground before turning back to her. "It's all thanks to you, Akane. Thank you for your hard work and dedication."

Owari grins. "Please. You're the one who did all of that hard work, and look at you now!"

Hinata rolls his eyes and glances at Soda. "See? All good."

The mechanic still looks skeptical. "It's probably just a ploy. Any second now, he's going to pull the axe on Akane-"

Pekoyama frowns suddenly. "Do you guys hear something strange?"

Komaeda doesn't stop smiling. "Don't worry; it's just Kazuichi and my beloved spying on me."

Both Hinata and Soda curse under their breaths.

"So much for Ultimate Spy or whatever."

The two of them emerge from the bushes, walking towards them. Komaeda turns around and, happily, runs to Hinata, pulling him into a hug. "I love you!" He purrs.

Hinata squeezes him back. "Yeah, I love you too."

Owari frowns. "Why were you guys spying on my little buddy?"

"It's not my fault! I got dragged into this! Kazuichi thought Ko was going to snap and kill everyone on the island with an axe." The brunet protests.

Komaeda slowly pulls away from his boyfriend. "Huh? Why would I want to do that?"

"No idea. Sorry about this, Nags."

   "W-What about me?" Soda asks uneasily.

   Komaeda stares blankly at him for a moment. ". . .Akane, pass me my axe, please."

   Owari nods, placing it into his hands. "Sure. You ready to get back to work then?"

   "In a moment. First, I'm just going to kill Soda."


   Hinata snorts.

   "Wh-Soul Bro, you're just going to let this happen?!"

   "Yeah, more or less," Hinata smirks, "I support my love."

   Komaeda slowly raises the weapon, and Soda screams and runs away.

   "Serves him right."

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