Buried Alive

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(This used to be one of my biggest fears {still pretty scary tbh} so I got a little worked up writing this aha)

   Hinata slowly walked across the cemetery before coming across the grave labelled 'Komaeda Nagito.'

   He sighs, and with a heavy heart, he kneels, entangling his fingers in the dirt. "It's only been a day or two since we've buried you, my love. ." He murmurs, "I don't think I'll ever be able to get over you at this rate."

   "I'M NOT DEAD!" Komaeda screams, kicking the lid of the coffin, "HAJIME, PLEASE, GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

   But his cries are in vain, and Hinata does not hear him.

   "They tell me I'm crazy, saying it takes more than two days to get over losing your soulmate. It takes a long time sometimes, they say. But I'll never get over you. Never, no matter how many years it takes. Hell, I don't think I'll ever love again."


   "I know, I know, if I could hear you, you'd probably say I need to move on soon and continue with my life, but. . ."


   He's running out of air. He's going to pass out soon; he knows it. This is his last chance to be free.

   Komaeda claws desperately at the coffin lid, voice so incredibly raw from all of the screamings he's been doing. The already-small walls are closing in on him as his heart pounds so hard it nearly rips itself free from his chest.

   How foolish to think he would get that mercy.


   "It's strange," Hinata chuckles emptily, "It's almost as if I can hear your voice even now. . .calling my name. . .How ridiculous. It's got to be the sleep deprivation, right?"

   Komaeda screams, blood starting to pour from his fingers as he scratches the lid so desperately. Tears stream down his face as he begs for Hinata or someone, anyone, to hear his cries and free him from this hell. 

   His body is cramping up, and he arches his back the best that he can in an attempt to stretch. 

   "I'm not dead," He sobs, "I'm not dead, Hajime, please. . ."

   "I love you, Nagito," Hajime mutters, "Rest easy, yeah?"

   "NO!" Komaeda shrieks, "HAJIME, WAIT, DON'T GO, PLEASE, YOU'VE GOT TO HELP ME!"

   "Goodbye, my love."

   Hinata stands, brushing the dirt off of his pants before turning and beginning to walk. He stuffs his hands deep in his pockets, willing himself not to look back.

   "Hajime. . ."

   Komaeda groans in defeat as a massive wave of panic overtakes his body. He begins to thrash, hoping and praying that a miracle would occur, that his luck would come through in the end and save him.

   But he had been on such a streak of good luck lately, so why should he get some more no when he oh-so desperately needs it?

   Hinata is far away now, his car coming into sight. He approaches and climbs in, resting his head on the steering wheel.

   "I wish you were alive, Nagito." 

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