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   "Starting today, you are a blood bag." The person holding onto his arms grumbles, "You will do whatever Master Hinata commands and feed him as much as he wants whenever he wants without a single complaint. You will be punished when you are bad and rewarded when you are good," They come to a stop outside of a giant crimson door, "Do not speak unless spoken to and scream loud if he tortures you-we all find that quite rewarding."

   Komaeda shivers and stares at his feet as the person knocks on the door.

   Such bad luck that he'd been sold to be a blood bag for some noble vampire in order for some group of kidnappers to pay off debt! Supposedly he's a gift from the noble vampire's mother to him. This should be pretty interesting.

   "Enter." A voice from the other side calls in a bored-sounding voice.

   The door opens suddenly, and he's shoved inside. Before he can even turn around, the door is slammed shut and locked.

   Komaeda yelps, jumping before turning towards the vampire, reading a book by the fire.

   The brunet slowly shuts his book and rises from his seat, taking in the human from head to toe.

   The vampire in question has spikey chestnut hair and green-brown eyes that appear tinted red in the right light. He's tall, not as tall as Komaeda, but he might as well be with the vibes he's currently radiating.

   "You must be the blood bag I heard I was receiving," He says, "But you are quite pale. I'm afraid I'll break you straight away," They step towards Komaeda, who obediently averts his gaze, "Look at me, please. I don't know what they told you, but you won't get in trouble."

   Komaeda slowly looks up into his eyes, trying and failing to swallow back his fear.

   "Your heart is beating incredibly fast. It makes me hungry. I mean, I know that's what you're here for, but you're just so pale!" He exclaims.

   "I-I, well, I'm just a useless bag of blood, so do whatever you want to me! Not that you need my permission to, that is!"

   "Did the servants drill that into your head? How annoying," Hinata tries to look past him, "Did they not allow you to bring anything with you? That's kind of mean. You're more than that-I'm sorry; I never even asked your name. Please, what is it?"

   "Just call me Servant, my master."

   Hinata groans. "This is going to get annoying quick. Seriously, tell me your name, or I'll just call you Jarvis or something."

   ". . .Komaeda Nagito."

   The brunet tucks a lock of off-white hair behind the human's ear. "Such a beautiful name. When I heard you were coming, I was hoping we could become friends. I mean, if I don't feed on you every once in a while, people will raise brows, but I don't want to be the cruel master I know I'm supposed to be." He explains.

   "If that is what my master wishes."

   "Komaeda, please."

   Hinata inches closer to him, staring at his neck more intently. "Forgive me," He breathes, "I-. . .You just smell excellent, and I haven't eaten in a while. I won't touch you, though; it's not fair."

   Komaeda stares at his feet. "Y-Yes, we can be friends, I think. But please have me if you're hungry. It's my job, after all."

   The brunet looks sad. "Be honest; you weren't hired for this. You must not have had an easy life before this."

   "That doesn't matter."

   "I can give you an amazing rest of your life here. Or I can free you from here."

   "I don't want anyone else to end up in this position. . .It's better I do it than anyone else."

   "I would set as many humans free as it takes. But you're welcome to stay here, and I will be your friend. I will dress you in riches, and you'll be treated like a king. Whatever you wish." He says seriously, still not looking at Komaeda's face.

   "Master, if you're hungry-"

   "My full name is Hinata Hajime."

   "Hinata-sama, if you're hungry, I don't mind providing."

   "You don't have to do that."

   Komaeda tugs the collar of his shirt down. "I want to." 

   "I refuse. Do not be difficult, Komaeda."

   Komaeda huffs and fixes his shirt. "Fine. But I know what I'm here for. I'd rather get hurt than have another human get hurt instead."

   Hinata rolls his eyes. "That is not the alternative, Komaeda. I get shipments of blood from the hospital. You were just a gift to make feeding more enjoyable."  

   "Oh, taking donated blood from humans who actually need it?!"

   "It's better than killing someone!"

   Hinata growls and grabs him by the collar, harshly shoving him against the wall. "I didn't ask to be like this. And I was trying to be nice. But if all you want is to be food, then I'll gladly indulge you."

   Hinata moves faster than the human eye, burying his fangs in Komaeda's neck. Nagito groans in pain as the sharp teeth rip into his flesh and blood, sucking greedily. 

   "You stupid fucker," Hinata hisses against his skin, "Why do you need to be difficult? We just met, and you repay my generosity with rudeness? You know nothing about me."

   He bites into him again, Komaeda scratching at his chest. 

   "If you want to be vampire food so bad, then you've got it. Unless you want to apologize to me, and maybe I'll let you start over."

   "I thought you were going to be nice to me!" Komaeda wheezes.

   "I have a short temper," Hinata answers, tossing him on the bed like he was nothing. He wipes his mouth and sighs. "I took a lot. Rest up. I'll get you some water."

   The brunet leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. He slumps against the door and sighs, burying his head in his hands.

   "What the hell is wrong with me?" He mutters, "Why did that bother me so much? Ugh, I'll never be able to make up for that."

   He pushes himself off of the wall and heads down the hall, grumbling to himself.

    This is going to take a lot of work.

Komahina-Spooky Oneshots For Each Day In OctoberWhere stories live. Discover now