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   "How are you doing, love?" Komaeda asks, knocking on the door to the basement.

   A loud groan from his werewolf boyfriend comes from the other side of the locked door. 

   The brunet, eyes already a golden colour and incisors present in his mouth, clenches his teeth as he holds tightly to the railing on the stairs. Sweat continues to pour down his face as he struggles to hold onto his human form for as long as possible. 

   His entire body is shaking-he's so terrified-

   He had only been bitten three months ago, and since then, he had only transformed one other time. He had luckily been on vacation at a campground and was able to run, but now they were back home. Luckily they had a large basement which Komaeda had spent the past month arranging to be a little sanctuary for him while he was in his wolf form. He had even installed some cameras way up high so he could safely keep an eye on his husband.

   Earlier in the day, Komaeda had set a large bowl of raw meat and water in the corner. He had scattered some toys around in case his wolf is more of a 'puppy.' It never hurts to be too prepared, after all. 

   The full moon of the end of October has yet to come out all of the ways yet, and Komaeda had already drawn all of the basement curtains shut earlier in the day. It made Hinata guilty. Komaeda has been so supportive throughout this entire thing, and all he could do was sit around and be a risk to everyone around him.

   "Awful," He croaks, "I wish you were in here with me not in an I want to hurt you way, I mean-"

   "I know what you mean," Komaeda interrupts calmly, "And I would be in there if I could. I wish I could hold you tight and tell you how much I love you-which is so much."

   Tears blur his vision, and he coughs a few times. "I love you too."

   Nagito knocks on the door. "I can sense you holding back your transformation. You can let go. The doors and walls are strong; you won't hurt anyone, I promise."

   "Are. . .Are you sure?"

   "It's the only way you'll feel better, darling."

   "Okay. . ."

   Hinata lets go of the railing and backs away. He opens the curtains to the zoo-quality window, letting the moonlight hit his body. Immediately all parts of his body are in pain, and he lets out a slight yell.

   He sinks to the ground, first to his knees and then to all fours, as his teeth grow even longer than before. He groans, clothes tightening around his body before finally splitting away, organs shifting around inside him, giving him the weirdest feeling. Long claws extend from his nail beds, and he growls

   Komaeda flinches, hearing this noise, knowing that the transformation was finishing up now. He pulls out his phone from his back pocket and opens the app for the cameras.

   Suddenly in the middle of the room is an angry-looking fluffy, brown wolf. It snarls at the wall before raming its entire body against it as if trying to get out. When that doesn't work, he tries, again and again, using his head as the primary charging point.

   Nagito sighs. Hinata's going to have a massive headache when he wakes up.

   Eventually, Wolfjime gives up, just looking around the room angrily. His eyes land on one of the balls Komaeda had set out earlier, cocking his head in confusion. He trots up to it and bats it with his paw, watching in amazement as it rolls.

   Komaeda can't help but giggle as Wolfjime's eyes light up, and he rolls over, batting at it still.

    It's going to be so fun to tease him about this. 


   Hinata wakes up exhausted on the basement floor as the early morning sunlight continues to bathe him.

   Komaeda (having already double-checked he had reverted to his human form) pushes the door open with his foot, a tray of breakfast food in his hand. He stomps down the stairs and kneels next to his love, presenting the food to him.

   Hinata groans, grabbing the bagel and devouring it in five massive bites. Komaeda chuckles affectionately, ruffling his hair.

   "Good morning, my love. How are you feeling?"


   "Sorry to hear that. I'm proud of you, though; you did so well. After you finish eating, do you want to come rest on an actual bed?"

   Hajime nods eagerly, and Komaeda smiles.

   "Excellent. . .That's it, just relax, darling."

Komahina-Spooky Oneshots For Each Day In OctoberWhere stories live. Discover now