Love Sick Killer

324 8 10

(Is this prompt an excuse to do a fucked-up possession thing? Yes.)

Hinata's world spins as a heavy boot collides with his face and he falls back, smacking his head against the floor. The collar around his neck briefly suffocates him for a moment before the leash goes slack and Komaeda is bending over him with a disappointed look on his face.

"Oh Hinata-kun. . .good pets don't take off their collars and try to escape from their owners, remember?"

He had almost finished picking the lock too but he had forgotten about one little thing; the cameras and motion detectors Komaeda had installed in the basement.

Hinata chooses not to acknowledge this, instead asking "Why are you covered in blood?"

Komaeda smiles a truly demented image as he yanks on the collar, forcing Hinata back onto his aching knees. He wipes a splatter of blood off of his face with his free hand, gazing down on his pet.

"Don't worry, poppet, it's not mine."

"You know that doesn't make me feel better."

Komaeda laughs loudly, wheezing noises coming from deep in his chest. "I suppose it wouldn't, poppet. But don't think I don't know what you're doing. You're trying to distract me so I forget to punish you for your disobedience, correct?"

Hinata's eyes widen and he shakes his head slightly, trying to inch away. Komaeda smirks, grabbing him by the hair.

"Aww, I know you're scared, but I only do this because I love you so much, right? This is the only way you'll learn. I love you so much, my pet."

"Please let me go. . ." Hinata mutters.

"Ha! Not a chance," He roughly grabs Hinata's chin, forcing him to look into his eyes, "I only want you to look at me, do you understand? I don't want anyone else looking at you. You're mine. My pet, my property. You belong to me, do you understand?"

When Hinata doesn't answer he continues on, "A couple of our classmates were looking for you, did you know that? Sonia, Nanami, Tanaka, Koizumi. . .They were getting quite close actually, so I had to kill them. A bash on the head to Koizumi, a knife to the throat for Tanaka, a-"

"Stop!" The brunet interrupts desperately, "Just. . .stop. . ."

Komaeda smiles sweetly. "We just can't have anyone finding you, right? I won't let anyone take you from me and I'll kill anyone who tries."

Hinata shudders.

Komaeda pulls him to his feet. "Alright. Enough dilly-dally. Upstairs. Bedroom."

The brunet's eyes widen and he shakes his head rapidly.

"Oh, it won't hurt as much this time, sweet poppet," Komaeda purrs, ". . .Most likely."

He then moves towards the stairs, lugging Hinata after him. He brings him all of the way up to his bedroom. He scoops him up and tosses him on the bed. The brunet considers fighting back but he knows, in the end, it will ultimately be useless.

Komaeda hums, grabbing the bloodstained ropes from under his bed and returning to his beloved. He takes his time tying each one of Hinata's limbs to a bedpost before grabbing a long, sharp knife.

"Let's see. . .a finger or a toe this time, pet? I personally think it should be a thumb this time. I mean, a middle toe is so minor and you require a far bigger punishment for now. Left-handed, correct?"

Hinata struggles against the bonds, naturally getting nowhere.

Komaeda laughs, holding Hinata's wrist as the brunet starts to beg, tears leaking out of the corner of his eyes.

"Stop crying. You're not sad, you love me! But maybe if you didn't insist on pissing me off, this wouldn't keep happening. Bad pets need to be punished. But do feel free to beg louder; no one will hear you and I do so love your beautiful voice."

And then Komaeda begins to hack away at his thumb and Hinata shrieks, arching his back and trying to pull away. But Nagito holds firm as it comes all of the way off, falling with a thud onto the pretty white sheets.

For good measure, he adjusts the knife and plunges it all the way through the same hand, twisting it slowly and all Hinata wants more than anything ever at the moment is death.

Komaeda leaves the knife in his hand as he immediately applies a lot of pressure to the severed thumb area. "Shh, shh, shh," He coos, "It's all over now. Now you know not to try escaping again, right? You know better now, right? You love me right?"

Hinata whimpers slightly but doesn't answer. Komaeda grits his teeth and twists the handle, making the brunet scream.

"You love me, right?"


Komaeda's smile immediately returns. "Good." He pulls out some bandages, patching up the wound from where his thumb used to be. He then rips out the knife, making Hinata scream again and nearly bite off his tongue.

"You really should go to the hospital for these wounds. . .But we both know why we can't do that!" Komaeda sings, ". . .Alright, all patched up. Good thing you have me to rely on, pet. No matter how awful you are, I'd never leave you!"

Hinata moans in pain and passes out.

"Sleep well, poppet."

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