Part seventeen

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Word count (1059)

Spring was in full bloom here in Avonlea. My aunt Esme's garden had beautiful flowers everywhere of all colors and breeds. I even started a small flower patch with Mary at Gilbert's house. Little Delphine can now hold her head up but she's still too small to be left alone so me and the others take turns holding her or carrying her in a sling.

While me and Bash were cleaning the dishes, we heard Mary yell outside.

Both of us looked at each other in a slight panic and rushed out, I saw Mary hugging a man.

"My son has come home! My son has come home!" Mary rejoiced out loud and I smiled. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Oh y/n! Come meet my baby boy, Elijah."

Gilbert had finally made his way to us from the barn. He also looked a little panicked.

"What's going on?"

"Gilbert! Elijahs here!"

When we all went inside, Mary went on and on about everything to her son until Delphine's faint cry could be heard from the bedroom.

Me and Gilbert left while she went to get Delphine to give them privacy.

"So he finally came," I said as we walked down the path.

He nodded his head, "I'm glad he did."


Having Elijah around was a little strange, he didn't seem to like having a little sister at all, and he was constantly drinking.

While me and Mary were preparing a meal. Elijah came into the room. His eyes were glossy and he seemed drunk.

Delphine started to cry.

"I thought mothers were supposed to have a magic touch?"

Mary looked at him with worried eyes as she tried to calm her down. I kept my head down.

"Have you been drinking?"

He ignored what she said and stumbled over, Mary pushed him aside.

"What have you got to cry about? You have everything, a home, a father, even a white father, and a second mother." He finished his sentence by pointing at me, making me flinch slightly.

He stumbled over the bench and Mary just looked at him, not saying anything. I could hear the front door had opened.

"Am I disrupting anything mother?"

"I really want you here Elijah, but I do not want you drinking around the baby."

As she walked over to the counter, he spoke again. I had just finished getting the vegetables ready so I left the room and found Bash had just come in.

"Oh so it's a do over, wouldn't want your baby to get corrupted by the one who came out ruined." I closed my eyes and hugged my arms.

Then I heard a crash and Mary made a startled sound causing me and Bash to run into the kitchen.

Mary had sliced her hand open with the knife she was chopping the potatoes with.

"Mary!" Bash called.

"Oh it's fine Sebastian."

"I'll go and get supplies," I said and hurried to the bathroom.

I couldn't believe Elijah. Mary just wanted to have her family with her and he was being horrible to her. I could hear them continue to fight as I rummaged through the first aid.

When I came back to the kitchen, Elijah had gone to Gilbert's dads room to sleep.

"Here Mary."

"Thank you y/n."

I heard the door open behind me and Gilbert walked in.

"Oh Gilbert, I let Elijah sleep in your fathers room if that's okay with you." Mary said when he shut the door.

He nodded his head, "it's alright."


Elijah ended up ransacking Gilbert's fathers room and took quite a few things. I didn't find out until a day later when he walked me to school.

"He took everything y/n, everything."

"I'm so sorry Gilbert."

As we walked, Gilbert and I stayed quiet. I didn't want to upset him further by continuing the conversation.

"Has that Henry boy come around lately?" Gilbert broke the silence as we walked over the bridge.

I shook my head, "thankfully not, he did send me a letter though, saying he wanted me to visit him in Charlottetown."

Gilbert rose an eyebrow, "really?"

I giggled "I know, I don't know if I'll even reply."

Gilbert nodded his head "well at least he's gone now."

I smirked, thankfully the mood had lightened and the rest of the day went well.

After I walked home with Gilbert and my friends, I went straight into the music room and played. I didn't know how late it was until George walked in with a small plate of food.

"Miss Y/n, your aunt has already eaten and went to bed. I'll leave your plate over here for you."

"Oh thank you George, sorry I missed dinner."

"It's quite alright, your aunt figured you wanted time alone, I'll leave you to it. Goodnight."

"Goodnight George."

I felt bad for leaving my aunt alone, but I needed to think for a while. Seeing Elijah today made me think about my future. Recently, the only thing I've given thought about my future was Gilbert. I haven't given much thought on school, besides what I may want to do one day as a career. The future scared me though. Before my parents' death, I thought I was going to be one thing. A married woman in society (thought that idea didn't sound very appealing). But everything changed in the blink of an eye. Just one thing can change everything. I had been pushing away the idea of future since that day. But Elijah made me think again.

I went to the music room to clear my mind and relax.

That night I went to bed with cramped hands and my mind running.


Hey guys!! I am so sorry for the super late update! I just got into the graphic design program and I am so busy all the time😫

Thank you all so much for being patient and getting this fic to 32k views!! I could not be more thankful for you all💕

Also, you all know what's coming up for this story and I am so sorry! But I needed this to happen because I feel like it's really going to help develop the story.

Thank you guys again for reading! I am going to try and get another chapter out soon❤️

Edited: 11/06/22

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