Part twelve

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Word Count (1060)

Today me and my friends are going to be heading down to Charlottetown to spend some time with Diana's aunt Josephine and my aunt Esme.

We all met at the train station and got our tickets.

"How is everyone?" Cole asks as we take our seats.

"I cannot wait to see my aunt, its been forever!" Diana exclaims and we smile at her.

"I can't wait to see her too, and my aunt of course!" I said back.

"Well, I am just happy we get to spend time away together," Anne says, placing a hand on Diana's shoulder.

The whole ride there we discussed different things we could do while we are in town. Cole suggested we go to the library, Anne wanted to go to a tea room, and I asked if we could visit the boutique my mother used to own.

"Oh y/n I would love to see the boutique!" Anne said as we got off the train.

I nodded my head, "me too, I wonder how my cousin is holding up. Maybe we could visit tomorrow?"

"I think tomorrow would be a good idea," Diana said.

As we arrived, our aunts were having tea.

"Ah there they are!" aunt Josephine exclaimed and stood up. Diana ran over to her and gave her a hug.

"Aunt Esme!" I called and hugged my aunt.

"I am so glad you all came! Why don't you join us for tea?" Aunt Josephine said and grabbed a few more chairs for us.

We spent the rest of the evening catching up about school and our club. Thank goodness Gilbert wasn't brought up.

When it was finally time for us to head up to bed for the night, we were all shown our rooms. Me and the girls stayed in one room, and Cole got one to himself close by, with a door adjoining the rooms together.

I let Anne and Diana take the bed and I slept in the cushions around the beautiful bay window, the moon shining brightly through the curtains.

I tossed and turned for a little while before I finally got up and crept out the door and wandered down the hall only to hear a faint sound of a piano playing.

As I got closer, I saw a door cracked open with some light peaking out.

When I opened the door, I saw a device sitting on top of a grand piano playing music. I looked over and saw aunt Josephine gazing intently at it, and what looked like tears in her eyes.

As I went to leave, my heel hit the frame of the door and she looked up. "Can't sleep?"

I shook my head, "I have too many things on my mind."

She just dipped her head a bit at me before looking at the piano. "That device up there is playing the song my best friend used play with me."

I knew she was talking about Gertrude, Anne and Diana told me about her and how they were more than best friends.

"That's Tchaikovsky isn't it, the sleeping beauty waltz. Me and my mother would duet it all the time when I was younger."

Aunt Josephine looked at me in slight surprise, "you are correct. Would you like to play it with me?"

This time it was my turn to be surprised. Then I smiled, "I would love to."

Aunt Josephine took a seat at the left side, and I sat on the right leaving me to play the higher parts.

"Ready?" She asked.

I gave her a grin and we played.

Memories began flowing in as we played the song, but as it went by, I noticed she was picking up speed. I looked over to her and she had a smirk playing at her lips. I grinned again and picked up my speed, playing the song that was well engraved in my brain faster. It became a race as we played back and forth to each other.

(AN: Have any of you seen Your Lie in April?)

When the song finally ended, we were both almost out of breath.

"I haven't played like that in forever," aunt Josephine breathed.

I nodded my head, "that was fun."

She placed a hand on my shoulder, "you know, your playing was phenomenal. You played that song by heart perfectly. You could make a career out of this."

I looked up at her, "really?"

"Of course, I know many musicians that play all over the world, you have to play in front of them sometime."

"Wow aunt Josephine, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything right now, after all, you are still young and in school after all."

"Yeah." I looked back at the piano, my mind began wondering and I remembered what happened yesterday.

"Are you alright y/n?"

I snapped out of it and didn't realize tears had formed in my eyes.

"Oh, yeah... I mean, I don't know."

She gave me a sad smile, "is it the Blythe boy?"

I looked up at her, "yes, actually, it is."

she pulled me into a hug and I hugged back and I finally broke.

I thought I could be strong while I was here, I thought I could just bury those feelings and have fun with my friends...

"Y/n, what happened? May I ask."

I pulled away and wiped my tears.

"Yesterday, when we were at the fair, I saw Gilbert arrive with another girl. I didn't think he was that type of boy, he's kinder than that. I- I'm just so confused..." Tears were slowly falling down my cheeks again as my voice cracked with those last few words.

"I'm sorry y/n, have you tried to talk to him?"

I shook my head. "I need some time first."

She nodded her head in agreement, "wise decision."

We stayed at the bench for a little while before we parted ways.

As I laid down, I fell asleep thinking. Maybe I should talk to him when I get back.


Another Chapter out! Thank you for reading! Have any of you seen Your Lie In April? When I was writing this chapter, I was trying to think of a good song for y/n and aunt Josephine to play and I thought of Sleeping beauty! What do you think?


Edited: 11/06/22

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