Part nine

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Word count (1178)

Today me and Gilbert were going to break the news to some of our friends about our relationship. During lunch, I decided to go sit with the girls while Gilbert told his friends.

"So Ruby, how are things with you and Charlie?" Tilly asked the girl.

Ruby's face went bright red and she squeaked, "oh- well... we're actually going to have dinner at my house tonight!"

All of the girls gasped.

"Please tell us how it goes tomorrow!" I said with excitement and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.


After school Gilbert met me outside.

"I told them."

"How did it go?"

"They took it pretty well and they respected my wishes to keep our relationship quiet."

I grinned at him, "that's good."

He opened his mouth to say something when the door to the school house swung open and my friends all piled out.

"I'll meet you tomorrow?"

I nodded my head and waved him goodbye and he winked at me, making my cheeks heat up a little.

"Y/n!" Anne shrieked and I turned around.

"Ready to go?" Cole asked.

"Yep! Let's be on our way!"

When we got to my house, I decided to have tea in the music room today.

I had told them about it and found out that Diana also plays the piano.

As we all sat down, George brought over the tea and quietly left the room.

"So y/n, is there anything new that we should know about?" Diana asked suspiciously.

Did she know about me and Gilbert?

All three of them stared me down and I knew they knew.

Biting my lip, I finally said it.

"Me and Gilbert may or may not be-"

Squeals and shrieks stopped me from finishing.

"Oh my goodness we knew it! You two have been looking at each other differently recently! I just can't believe it's finally happened!" Anne said and clasped her hands over her heart.

"Well it's-"

"Oh y/n! You two are perfect for each other!" Diana interrupts."

I shook my head and grinned at them. My friends are too much.

After the conversation, me and Diana played the piano together. Then we tried to teach Anne and Cole, who both failed miserably.

We all ended up laughing on the floor till George ran in.

"Is everything all right?!" George asks with worry  because of the commotion.

I looked up at him, "yes we are alright."

He nodded his head and muttered something under his breath as he walked out making us laugh even more.

"Would you guys like to sleep over tonight?" I asked once we settled down.

"Oh yes! I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind, they love your aunt," Diana said.

"I think Mathew and Marilla wouldn't mind either."

Cole nodded his head, "my parents won't care if I spent the night."

"Okay then it's settled, slumber party!" I tackled my friends in a big hug.

You and Me ~ Gilbert Blythe x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now