Part four

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Word count (1184)

It's been three weeks since I moved to Avonlea, I've been getting closer to Anne and her friends, I found out that Diana's aunt Josephine is friends with my aunt,  Gilbert, and I've also become good friends with Bash.

I have Anne, Diana and Cole over every Wednesday after school for tea, and I go to Gilbert's every Tuesday for dinner.

Josie and Ruby still don't really talk to me that much but I don't care (well, mostly Josie). I have a lot of friends here now, and nothings going to change that.


Today is Wednesday, which means my friends and I will have tea at my home.

I kissed my aunt on the cheek as I left with Gilbert for school.

"So... who is Bash's new woman?" I smirked at Gilbert and chuckled.

"Oh Mary? Bash talks about her all the time, we're actually going to have her over for dinner tonight." Gilbert said as we continued walking.

I nodded my head, "she sounds like a lovely lady."

We got to the school and hung up our coats.

"Hi y/n!" Anne said to me.

I smiled, "hello Anne, I'm looking forward to tea after school with you guys."

Anne beamed, "me too! I've written the most beautiful and tragical romance that I would love to read to you all!"

"Oh I would love that Anne!" I said back to her. I was being truthful, I really loved listening to her stories.

As we all sat down, I looked over to Ruby and she was looking away, as usual.

"Hi Ruby," I greeted.

She looked at me with a neutral expression, "good morning y/n."

I have spoken to Ruby a few times and told her that me and Gilbert were just friends and she has been a little more friendly to me, which made me happy. Josie on the other hand, was still pretty mean.

"Morning class, today is just going to be a free day, so take out your books and study as you wish." Mr. Phillips said and went back to his office.

The chatter of students talking erupted almost immediately after.

"Y/n, Diana, I feel like we should resurrect our old writing club!" Anne said turning around to face me.

I cocked an eyebrow, "what's that?"

"Me and Diana and a few other kids used to have a writing club where we would write short stories and share them to one another."

"Oh that sounds like fun! I've always liked writing!"

My mother used to have me read all sorts of amazing stories, she also taught me how to paint and play the piano too, but those are for another time.

"We should definitely talk about this over tea later!" Diana said and we all agreed.

I took a chance to glance over at Gilbert who was talking to Moody and the other boys. He seemed bored.

My thoughts were interrupted by Josies voice, "hey guys! Let's play truth or dare!" I rolled my eyes.

Everyone got up and we sat in a circle on the floor. 

"Okay, Tilly, why don't you start us off." Josie said once we were all settled down.

She pondered for a moment. "Prissy, truth or dare."

Prissy, who I was almost positive was in love with Mr. Phillips (yuck) looked up "truth."

You and Me ~ Gilbert Blythe x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now