Part seven

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Word count (1242)

(Today is Thursday)

Today at school, Mrs. Lynde, who was a friend of Marilla Cuthbert, said there was going to be a dance tomorrow just for the older students for the end of winter.

Everyone gasped and whispers came after.

"Okay everyone, I know you all are excited but right now we need to learn the dance."

The girls squealed in excitement and the boys shuffled in their seats.

(Yes I know this is not in order of the show)

"Now can I have half of the boys and girls on one side and the other half of the students on the other?" Mrs. Lynde said.

Everyone got up and Anne and Diana pulled me along with them.

When I looked up at my partner I smiled.

It was Gilbert.

He smiled back, "is it okay if I am your partner for this dance miss l/n?"

"Why I would love for you to be my partner Mr. Blythe," I giggled a little.

My heart fluttered as we danced, Gilbert and I never took our eyes off each other the entire time. And every time our hands touched, I couldn't help but smile.

When the dance was over, me and Gilbert stood in front of each other for a moment before  quickly making our way to the coat room to get our things.

"Y/n?" Gilbert said once we made our way outside.


"I- I was wondering, would you like to be my date to the dance tomorrow? I mean as friends."

He smiled sheepishly.

"I would love to."

He looked at me and then looked away, "let's be on our way then?"

I nodded my head and we went home.


Me and aunt Esme were sitting in the garden having tea.

"Do you have a date for the dance tomorrow? My aunt asked.

I smiled and placed my teacup back onto the plate.

"As a matter of fact, I do. And it's Gilbert Blythe."

Esme grinned widely and placed a hand over mine that was resting in my lap.

"He's a wonderful boy y/n, I hope you have a great time tomorrow. Now, off to bed with you my dear, we need to help George clean the music room tomorrow."

"Really! I'm so happy!"

"I heard you play the other day and I just knew I had to bring that room back, I'm sure my husband would be happy it's being used again."

"Thank you so much auntie!" I squealed as I ran upstairs.


The next morning I was woken by my aunt opening the curtains.

"Good morning y/n, breakfast will be ready soon, we will be starting on the music room right after."

Once she left, I got up and put on the dress I wore when I first arrived in Avonlea and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning miss y/n, your food is waiting on the table for you," George said as I arrived in the dining room.

I nodded my head and went to go sit down.

The rest of the morning was filled with a lot of fun and laughter as we tidied up the music room. George was allergic to dust so he wouldn't stop sneezing, and I played the piano for them when everything was finished.

You and Me ~ Gilbert Blythe x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now