Part eight

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Word count (1020)

It had been two weeks since the dance. Me and Gilbert decided to keep what was going on between us away from the rest of the kids because we didn't want to start a commotion.

Me, Anne, Diana and Cole still met every week. And Bash and Mary got married. Those two are just perfect for each other.

Today is Tuesday so that means I'm going over to Gilbert's after school.


When school was over, I met Gilbert outside.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

"Ah y/n, Gilbert, how was school?" Bashed asked as we walked in the house.

I grinned at him, "same as usual, you know Mr. Phillips though? I've been noticing something strange with him lately, what do you think Gil?"

He nodded his head in agreement, "yeah, he's been acting pretty weird."

We continued talking when Mary finally entered the room. "Y/n!" She squealed and ran over to hug me.

"Hi Mary!" I hugged her just as tightly.

Dinner at Gilbert's house was always fun, and now that Bash and Mary were married, it was even better.

"So Gilbert, have you and y/n broken the news to anyone yet?" Mary asked.

I looked over to Gilbert and he scratched his neck and blushed.

"No, we haven't."

"We're not sure when the best time might be," I helped.

"That's okay, you can tell them when you're ready," Mary said and smiled.

After dinner, me and Gilbert wandered his property. He had a barn that we always went to.

When we got in he pulled me in close for a hug.

I smiled and hugged him back.

"I feel like we should let people know about us other than your aunt and Bash and Mary," Gilbert said as we broke away.

"I do too, I'm going to have Anne, Cole and Diana over tomorrow, maybe I can tell them then?"

Me nodded his head and held my hands, looking down at them.

I leaned my head in so that our foreheads touched, we stayed like that for a while.

Then he pulled away and brought both my hands up and kissed them.

"You are so beautiful."

I blushed hard and grinned at him.

We went over and sat down on some hay, my head leaned on his shoulder.


He hummed a response.

"How did you father die?" Why did I ask that??

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what made me ask that!"

He just sighed and looked up at the sky.

"Well, about a year ago, my father fell gravely ill. He got better for a little while and I was able to travel with him, but eventually, his illness overcame him and he passed. I couldn't leave the house for days, and when I did, I decided I would go travel for a little while. That's when I went to Trinidad and met Bash."

All I could do was nod my head.

"It's okay y/n, I'm fine now. He was the last family I had. My mother died when I was born. So now it's just me."

We sat there for a while before I spoke up.

"That day when the fire happened. We had just gotten back from a small day trip and I got mad at my parents for wanting to leave me at home while they left for another business trip. I went to the library with a candle to read for a little while to get my mind off things. I didn't realize, but when I left to go to bed, I had left the candle. I- it was my fault my parents died."

My voice broke when I said the last sentence, tears slowly streamed down my face.

Gilbert said nothing as he pulled me into a tight embrace. I cried into his chest and gripped his vest in my hands.

He ran his hand up and down my back to soothe me.

"Don't blame yourself y/n, it could have been anything that started the fire."

When I was done crying I was still nuzzled in his chest. He was too warm and comforting to leave. Gilbert just sat there and kept his arms wrapped around me.

I finally broke away from him and looked into his eyes.

"I guess we're the same then, huh?"

He smiled, bringing his hands to my face.

"I guess we are."

I leaned into him and we kissed. Our lips moving slowly and in sync with one another. He kept his hands on my face and mine rested on the hay. When we broke away we stood up, I brushed the hay off my skirt and he straighten his scarf.

"Thank you Gilbert," I smiled at him.

He smiled back and looked outside, "It's getting late, may I walk you home?"

I nodded my head and we stood up.

We walked hand in hand while the beautiful sun sank beneath the horizon.

"I think I'm going to tell Charlie and Moody tomorrow during lunch."

"Okay, I think not telling everyone at once is a good idea, and we should also refrain from hugging and kissing for a while too."

He pouted and looked at me, "bu-"

"Noooo don't do that," I interjected and shook my head at him.

We both laughed but he still looked hurt that he couldn't be affectionate to me at school.

"I didn't say anything about not kissing and hugging me now, or when we're not at scho-"

I was cut off by him smashing his lips onto mine and stealing a kiss.

I giggled into his kiss and then I tried to pull away but he didn't let me.

"Gilbert!" I finally said and broke away.

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist," he smirked as we continued along.

I shook my head at him and laughed.

When we arrived at my home the sun had almost completely set.

"I'll see you tomorrow, y/n?"

I nodded my head, "yes, thank you for today."

He smiled and gave me a light kiss on the cheek.



Awww so cute! Thank you for reading! Please vote🥺❤️

Edited: 11/05/22

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