Part ten

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Word count (1030)


It was now the end of the school year and a lot of things have changed. Prissy left Mr. Phillips at the Altar, we have a new teacher (Who we all quite enjoy), and Gilbert had to leave for a couple months because he was getting the opportunity to observe doctors up close to see if he wanted to pursue the career.

We wrote letters to each other back and forth which made me really happy because I missed him dearly. But it gave me time to get closer to the other girls in school and focus on what I wanted to do.


Today is the last day of school before summer and there is going to be a bonfire. All of the older students are going to meet up in the field near the school to have a celebration.

"Are you excited y/n?!" Anne said during lunch.

I nodded my head, "definitely! I am ready for summer to start!" I giggled and all the girls joined in.

"I'm glad Miss Stacy allowed us to have a free day today," Ruby said and everyone agreed.

"Do you know when Gilbert gets back?" Josie asked and the others looked at me again.

Since Gilbert's absence, the girls have come to accept me and Gilbert's relationship, or courtship, whatever you call it.

"It's okay y/n," Diana said and placed her hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and smiled at the girls. I can't wait to hear all the things he got to see and do there.


Since me and Gilbert aren't walking home together anymore, Anne and Diana have been. We always talk about the new stories we've been writing for our club.

"Are you ready to go y/n?" Anne asked me when we all met up in the coat room.

I smiled, "yes, let's go. Today I need to stop by Gilbert's house to help with Mary."

Anne and Diana nodded their heads. It's been about a month and a half since Bash and Mary have announced they are going to have a baby. Every week I go over to help her with things like making dinner, and getting the baby's room ready.

We all continued down the path with our arms linked together until we arrived at the fork where we usually split up. Today I would be walking with Diana a little longer instead of Anne since I'm going to Gilbert's.

We waved goodbye to Anne.

"It's very kind of you to help Mary around the house y/n," Diana said once we started walking.

I nodded my head.

"I'm sure Gilbert will be home soon y/n, it's the end of the year."

"That's the thing though, he was supposed to be home two weeks ago."

Diana looked down.

We continued walking in silence for a bit.

"I'm sorry, I should not be moping over him when I still have my best friends right in front of me," I smiled at her.

Smiling back, Diana pulled me into a tight hug.

"Me and Cole and Anne will always be here for you y/n."

"Thank you Diana."

Diana waved goodbye to me when we got to Gilbert's.

"Good afternoon y/n," Mary said when I walked inside.

"Hello Mary."

"I was thinking we could finish cleaning up the room today and moving the new furniture in."

I finished putting my coat and basket away, "I'll go and get the cleaning supplies."

Me and Mary spent a while cleaning the room that I lost track of time.

When we were finally finished I glanced at the clock in the dining room.

"Oh no I'm going to be late! Sorry Mary but I have to go, the party is supposed to start soon and it's at the beach!"

She smiled at me, "it's no problem y/n, go ahead and enjoy your bonfire."

I grinned back as I rushed out the door.


When I finally made it to the beach, the sun was almost set and the fire was blazing on the sand. The students were laughing and playing games.

"Y/n!" Anne said when I came into her sight.

"Hello girls!"

"Let's go dance!" Anne said and grabbed my hand to pull me along.

All of us went to the fire and started dancing together, (not formally I might add). There was lots of smiles, cheers and clapping as we danced, and eventually, the boys started joining in.

Billy has kept his distance from me ever since he attacked me so I wasn't worried about him.

I watched as each of the boys took a partner to dance with. I smiled at them a little sadly as I sat on a large piece of driftwood.

"Why is it that the most beautiful girl in our class is not dancing?"

Excitement rose in me and I turned toward the familiar voice.


"Hello y/n, I've missed you."

I didn't say anything but I jumped up as fast as I could so I could embrace him.

"I'm sorry I'm late-"

I stopped his talking with a kiss.

When we pulled apart he smiled at me. He grabbed my hands and pulled me away to where everyone was and we started dancing. The sun finally set underneath the water, the stars poking out from the velvety sky.

We danced till the fire was just glowing embers. Some of the boys took buckets of water and smothered the remaining part of the fire, others said their goodbyes and left. Me and Gilbert stayed behind for a while, sitting on the sand and watched the sky.

"I can't wait to spend the summer with you y/n."

I grinned, "Me too."


Oh my goodness I didn't think this story would be read by anyone tbh 😭💜 thank you so much for the love and support. This chapter starts with a time skip to the end of the school year sorryyyyyy. But please bear with me. I'm also sorry for taking forever to update😬 there also may be another time skip later on as well.

I know I know, having Gilbert arrive during the bonfire was a little cheesy. But I just couldn't resist it 🤣

Edited: 11/06/22

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