Part fifteen

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Word count (1141)

Christmas was just around the corner, Mary was getting to a point where it was harder for her to do most of her housework so I was over almost everyday after school helping her.

Ever since I found out Gilbert could play the piano, we have been working on lots of pieces together. Some of them were duets, and others weren't. My Aunt Esme would occasionally sit in the piano room with us and have her tea and listen.


"Good afternoon Mary!" I said as I let myself into the house.

"Y/n, I'm in here." Mary called from the kitchen.

I placed my basket on the table and went over to the counter to wash my hands.

"How was school?" Mary asked.

"It went well, Miss Stacy let us go out in the snow for a while and we had a snow fight." I smiled.

She smiled back and handed me the ingredients for tonight's dinner.

"That sounds like fun, how is your aunt?"

"She's doing well, she just left again to spend some time with her friend in Charlottetown before Christmas."

We kept chatting as we prepared their meal. Today I'll be going to Anne's house for dinner instead of staying like I usually do. I wanted to make sure I wasn't spending too much time with Gilbert and less with my friends. My friends are just as important to me as Gilbert is. 

"Afternoon Mary, y/n" I heard a familiar voice say behind me and a hand grabbing my arm.

Gilbert gently turned me around and smiled, kissing my cheek lightly.

"Did you end up getting that wheel fixed?" I asked as I went back to my work.

He shook his head and placed his hat and coat on one of the chairs. "No, me and Bash are going to take it to the Cuthberts tomorrow because Matthew has a few extra wheels."

I nodded my head and brought over a cup of tea to help him warm up. "I hope you can get it fixed before a storm comes," Mary said.

I nodded my head and sat down next to him. Gilbert let out a sigh and propped his head on his hand.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"I'm just tired. May I walk you to Anne's house?"

"That sounds lovely, let me help Mary get the rest of the chicken pie ready and in the oven first."

After I finished helping Mary, me and Gilbert left for Anne's house.

As we walked, we chatted about the next piece we were working on.

"I think the melody needs more to it, it's not very exciting."

"I agree, what if we changed the key signature? And I feel like the diminuendo at the end is a little cheesy."

I nodded my head, "we could try that, and I think we should just keep the diminuendo for now."

When we got to the Cuthberts, it was already dark.

Gilbert stopped us at the gate and hugged me.

I buried my head in his chest and sighed.

I could feel his smile in my hair.

"I'll see you at the fork tomorrow yes?" He said.

"Yeah, then we can go to my house after school and work on that song."

He pulled away from the hug and placed a finger under my chin, making me look him in the eye.

"Okay," was all he said before he gave me a light kiss, his hand stayed on my chin for a moment.

I waved him goodbye as I entered the Cuthberts property.

Anne greeted me excitedly at the door.

"Y/n!" She exclaimed and pulled me into a tight embrace.

"Hi Anne," I managed to say.

"We are having roast tonight!" She let go and I could finally breathe again.

"That sounds amazing, and it smells really good."

"It's almost ready, do you want to come into the dining room?"

I nodded my head at her and she guided me over to the table. Matthew was already sitting and Marilla was setting the table.

"Good evening y/n, it's nice to see you again." Marilla said.

Matthew smiled at me, "hello."

I smiled back at sat down.

The meal was amazing and just slightly awkward, as it usually is with the Cuthberts.

Matthew decided that he would take me and Anne in the buggy to drop me off at my home, since it was dark and cold.

"Thank you for having me over tonight, the meal was delicious!"

Anne hugged me, "It was a lot of fun! Take care!" She said and ran back to Matthew.

I grinned and waved, "see you tomorrow!"


Christmas Eve ~ at the church for service

Today was Christmas Eve, which also happened to be a Sunday this year. Me and Aunt Esme were dressed in out church clothes and I had a new ribbon tied in my hair.

"Y/n dear, we're going to be late!" My aunt called from downstairs.

I quickly grabbed my coat, my new shoes and gloves from my mothers shop out of the closet and raced down the stairs, "I'm ready!"

She shook her head. "Oh y/n..." she grinned.

We sat with Gilbert, Bash and Mary during the service. Tonight, my aunt is holding a party at our house and most of the town is invited. Gilbert and my friends are coming over after the service to help set up.

"Hey," I heard Gilbert whisper into my ear.

I looked at him.

He grinned a little, "are you ready to play our new song tonight?"

I grinned back at him, "of course I am, I did write it after all."

He slightly rolled his eyes and smirked, "so did I you know."

I smirked and turned back to the service.

When it was over, me and my friends all met at my house to set up. Gilbert and Cole went to help set up tables while the girls and I laid out the smaller decorations like candles, garlands, and some mistletoe.

The party starts at eight, which is only a few hours away. We ended up finishing setting up at six, which gave me and Gilbert some time to practice the song. We all hung out in the music room.

"Wow guys, I can't wait to hear this later, it sounds really good!" Diana said.

"Thank you, we had a lot of trouble finding the right sound for it, but I think we finally got it," I said.

"Y/n, people are arriving!" Aunt Esme called.

"It's time!" Anne said as we all ran out of the room.

Hey everyone!!!!!

Sorry about all the time skips haha, everything will start to make more sense soon. Also, get ready for the next chapter because it's going to be so warm and fuzzy 🥰

Thank you guys for over 14k! <3

Edit: 11/06/22

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