Part eighteen

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Word count (1532)

Gilbert's pov:

Today was a very sunny morning, Bash was in town while I was making breakfast.

Y/n decided she was not going to come over for breakfast today because she wanted Bash and Mary to have time alone since Elijah left.

"Some inspiration, Blythe. After three days even you must have a taste of something different." I heard Bash say as he walked in.

I turned around to see him holding a basket with chicks chirping and stumbling around in it.

"A bit drastic isn't it?"

"Calm yourself, I ain't that desperate yet."

Bash left the room and I kept making breakfast.

I could hear Mary gasp from their bedroom and I grinned. She must be playing with Delphine.

A few minutes later, Bash came back into the kitchen, "Gilbert, can you go and fetch the doctor? Mary has a fever and I'm worried about her."

"Of course Bash, give me a couple of hours and I'll be back." I said while turning the stove off and grabbing my coat.

Y/n pop:

It's been three days since Elijah left. I decided I would give them all space for a while so they can settle down again.

I woke up to the bright sun peaking through my drapes.

My hands have been stiff and sore these past couple of days with the amount of playing I've been doing. So when I got out of bed I stretched out my fingers and closed my hands into fists a few times.

Then I heard George at the door, "miss y/n?"

I opened the door to see him looking slightly worried.

I looked up at him, "yes?"

"Mr. Blythe is downstairs, he says there's an emergency."

As I hurried to get changed, I couldn't help but become worried. Did Elijah come back? Did something happen to Delphine?

When I finally made it downstairs, I saw my aunt with Gilbert in the foyer.

"Gilbert! Is everything okay?"

He looked in my direction and walked towards me, "can you come with me to Charlottetown? Mary has a fever so I need to fetch the doctor."

I nodded my head, "of course."

On the way there, Gilbert talked about how ever since Elijah left, Mary has been getting weaker everyday. He also mentioned that Delphine was at the Cuthberts house for the time being.

We decided to drop by his house to grab a few things and we found Anne and Marilla inside.

"Is it very serious?" Marilla said after we walked in.

"Well, the doctor could answer that better than me, but hopefully not." Gilbert replied and I gave him a sympathetic look.

"I think it's shameful the only doctor that will see her is all the way in Charlottetown." Anne said back, a little rudely in my opinion.

"I agree, illness doesn't discriminate. Thankfully neither does doctor Ward. He's a good man" Gilbert replied.

"Okay now off you go. Both of you, before you miss your train."

As we left, I couldn't help but notice Anne give a look to Gilbert.


When we walked into the doctors office, I smiled as I saw Winnie sitting at the front desk.

You and Me ~ Gilbert Blythe x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now