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chapter twenty.

Not even 20 minutes into the dance, the bubble that Matthias and Elena resided in was popped. Jeremy looked upset walking away from a dancing Damon and Bonnie, prompting Elena to ask him if everything was alright. When she got no response, Stefan volunteered to follow after the boy leaving Matthias and Elena to wonder what was going on.

"It's Bonnie." Stefan told Elena and Matthias.

Stefan explained what Jeremy told her and Elena felt her heart sink for the third time today. First it was Matthias' secret, then Klaus being at the dance somewhere, and now this? No, she wasn't going to let her best friend die.

Elena quickly ran off towards where Bonnie was at, leaving Matthias and Stefan to go and find Damon. They spotted the vampire dancing with two girls and Matthias couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Come here, come here, come here." Stefan demanded as he pulled Damon away from the two girls ruining his fun. "Please tell me you didn't know that Bonnie was on a suicide mission." Stefan pleaded.

"Oh, great." Damon said. "Jeremy told you and of course you told Elena."

"Yeah, I told her." Stefan said as if it was obvious. "You promised her no more secrets." Stefan said angrily at his brother.

"I changed my mind." Damon told him, and Stefan could see that Damon was serious about his words.

Matthias then noticed that the girls were together but where was Jeremy? "Stefan, tell me that you didn't leave Jeremy alone?"

Stefan and Damon shared a look before rushing off with Matthias to find Jeremy. They had one rule tonight, one, no one was to be alone at any point. Matthias wanted to lecture Stefan for leaving Jeremy alone but bit his tongue, now wasn't the time. Once in the abandoned hallway, they spotted Jeremy getting jumped by a group of boys.

"Hey idiots!" Damon yelled at them as they all jogged over to the group.

Suddenly one of them pulled out a crossbow that they didn't even know they had, and shot Damon in the shoulder. Damon cried out in pain and Matthias looked impressed at the kids aim, he was aiming to kill but sadly he had missed Damon's heart by a good few inches.

"Let me guess," Damon groaned out. "Klaus says hi."

Stefan and Matthias then attacked, both knocking the boys they were fighting out instead of killing them. Damon pulled out the stake in his shoulder and rushed at the boy who was had shot him, prepared to stab him with the same stake.

Stefan stopped him, "No, no, no, no, don't kill him. He's compelled."

"So?" Damon countered, more than prepared to kill the boy.

"So, the whole thing's a distraction." Stefan told him. "You two, go find Bonnie and Elena."

Matthias didn't even wait for Damon, he simply sped off to find the two girls. His heart was racing, and he could hear the pounding in his ears as he ran around the school with Damon right behind him as they tried to find the girls. They finally spotted them, and Matthias sighed in relief when Elena's body crashed into his own.

"What happened?" Damon asked the two.

"Klaus is in Alaric's body." Elena panted out while holding onto Matthias.

"Wait what?" Matthias said at the same time as Damon, the two males were shocked.

Or well, Matthias pretended to be shocked at this since he already knew it, but he had to play the part and he succeeded because they all believed his surprised face.

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