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chapter three.

When Matthias arrived at The Boarding House, he was not expecting to find Elena leaving with Rose.

"What is going on?" He asked her with a frown.

"Rose is taking me to her friend Slater." Elena told him and Matthias frowned even more. "I would ask you to come along, but I need you to keep Stefan and Damon distracted enough for this to work." She told him after while Rose left to get the car.

Matthias had heard of Slater briefly, he was one of Klaus' favorite to use when he needed to find someone. He was like a vampire almanac, he knew almost everyone in Klaus' circle and where to find them.

"You're going to turn yourself over." Matthias noted and Elena's eyes widened in fear. "Don't worry, Rose is still getting the car." He told her.

"I'm not willing to risk losing the people that I love." She told him and Matthias nodded his head. "You seem to be the only one that cares about what I think and want."

Matthias shrugged softly and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I just know firsthand what it's like to not have a say in anything." He told her, surprised with how he had told her something personal.

"Thank you." Elena said before Rose finally pulled up with her car. "Text me if anything goes wrong."

Matthias nodded and watched as Elena climbed into Rose's car before they drove off. Matthias knew that this plan wouldn't work, Rose was a snake and with how Damon's scent was all over her, he knew that something would go wrong.


Matthias was reading a book while the others spoke with Bonnie. He was holding back a yawn in order to not be called upon to talk, because in his opinion this was pointless.

"I might be able to lower the tomb spell long enough for you to get in there and grab the moonstone from Katherine." Bonnie told them.

"How?" Jeremy, Elena's little brother questioned. "It took both you and your grams last time and look what happened to her."

There was an underlying hint in his voice that had Matthias' eyebrow quirk. He made a mental note of this.

"I'm aware of what happened." She told him pointedly, "I've learn a few new things."

"Bonnie." He said, practically pleading with her.

She looked away from him and to Stefan, "How will you get it?"

"She hasn't been feeding." False. "She's weaker," Kind of. "We're not." Stefan finished and Damon showed her the glass of blood in his hands.

"You wouldn't be underestimating her, would you?" Bonnie questioned.

"It's a plan." Damon said, "Is it perfect?" He blew a raspberry, "What plan is?"

"Let me do it." Jeremy spoke up suddenly, "I've got my ring, I could get in, get out and no spell necessary."

"Jeez thank you 16 years old child. Why didn't we think about that? Why are you even here?" Damon snapped at him, annoyed with his suggestion.

"Maybe I can help better the plan." Bonnie spoke, pulling the attention to her. "Do you have anything that belongs to Katherine?"

Damon looked to Stefan and Matthias snickered slightly. At this, he wondered if Stefan still had feelings for the girl. If he didn't then why would he keep something of hers? Why not get rid of it? Matthias wanted to tease him, but knew that in doing so would get him in trouble. When Stefan came back, he was holding a photograph in his hand.

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