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The sound of Klaus' booming voice filled the penthouse apartment making Matthias let out a sigh as he looked over at his best friend with a frown. Katherine flashed him a sheepish smile before running to hide behind him when Klaus emerged from the bedroom, a towel around his waist and his hair now purple.

Matthias spit out his coffee and let out a laugh, Klaus glared at him, but it did nothing to lessen his laughter.

"You really must stop with these bloody pranks!" Klaus seethed at Katherine. "If it wasn't for my brother protecting you, I would kill you right now."

Matthias rolled his eyes before nudging Katherine forward. Katherine sighed, "I'm sorry Nikky, I thought it would be funny especially since it was meant for dogs." She was full on grinning by the end of her sentence and Klaus ran at her.

Matthias simply sipped on his coffee while the two ran around the kitchen counter with their vampire speed. When Klaus finally caught Katherine, they were both laughing and barely even out of breath. This was a usual occurrence and Matthias loved every moment.

In 1864, when Katherine attempted to fake her death, Matthias found her. Since it was Matthias that found her first, Klaus agreed to pardon Katherine in order to avoid Matthias leaving him. Matthias threatened to leave, said he would never forgive Klaus for hurting his best friend, and so because Klaus loved his twin brother more than anything, he let her go.

The two still bumped heads from time to time and Klaus spewed out empty threats, but even Matthias could see that they were their own little family since Elijah had left them.

Elijah was a sore topic for Katherine, he had left in the middle of the night and thus taking her heart with him and whenever he was brought up, Katherine's mood always fell.

"Right." Katherine breathed while stealing Matthias' mug and drinking the warm liquid. "I have to go and follow a lead." She told Matthias, fully aware that Klaus was listening from the bedroom where he was getting dressed.

"Lead?" Klaus asked her with a frown as he reentered the room. "I haven't even found one."

Katherine flashed him her infamous smirk, "Well isn't it good then that you have me around?" She teased and Klaus rolled his eyes at her, but she saw the small smile on his lips. "A little bird told me that the Salvatore brothers are back in Mystic Falls."

"The two boys who were in love with you?" Matthias questioned with a tilt of his head.

"Yes." Katherine nodded while handing him back his coffee. "It confuses me because during my time watching Stefan-"

"Stalking." Both Klaus and Matthias coughed.

Katherine narrowed her eyes at them but continued. "He's never stayed in town for too long. Now Damon is there too, apparently they're setting roots of some sort. I want to know why."

"Do you think our doppelganger is there?" Klaus asked, a glint of hope in his eyes.

Matthias patted his shoulder softly while Katherine spoke, "Possibly. I'm going to look and if I don't reach out, then something happened but you will be the first people that I call if I do find her."

"And what of your little pet?" Klaus teased with a raised brow.

Katherine had stumbled upon a werewolf, forced him to trigger his curse by compelling his friend, and then she slowly got attached to the wolf. Matthias and Klaus knew that it was only a distraction from Elijah, but they never voiced it.

"He'll be coming with me, of course." Katherine smirked, a knowing look on her face. "He's a Lockwood after all."

"Right." Klaus rolled his eyes with a smirk, "He's also your bed warmer."

Katherine picked up the knife left out on the counter and threw it at Klaus' head, much to her dismay, he caught it with ease and laughed. Katherine flipped him off before going to her room, the sound of her heels clicking filled the room before she slammed the door.

Klaus' gaze then fell on their mother's grimoire that laid on the counter. "Are you still looking for tricks?" Klaus asked him softly.

Matthias nodded and placed his empty mug in the sink before looking at the book with Klaus. "We know mother. There's no way that she would make this simple, I can't help but feel like there's something missing."

Klaus gave Matthias a small smile and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Well brother, if there's anyone who can solve it, it's you."

Matthias was into witchcraft as much as his brother Kol was, if not more. Matthias had tapped into his magic but upon turning, he was disappointed to learn that it was gone. Even when becoming a hybrid, it hadn't come back to him, he was sad about it but didn't dwell on it for long.

Klaus and Mattias had both killed their mother and then lied about it. Lied by saying it was their bastard father that had done it, and then the entire family ran. Matthias cannot recall the last moments that they were all together, by now he was sure that they all hated the twins.

Still, Matthias would always protect Niklaus and while Klaus would joke that it's because Matthias was born six minutes ahead, he knew that it was because in the end, they only had each other.

let me note this now so that it's understood as the book progresses, I change a lot that happens, okay? so Katherine and Klaus are okay in my fic, they actually tolerate one another for the sake of Matthias. I genuinely love Kat and Matthias together but alas, that isn't meant to be in my fic lol.

but enjoy this wild wild ride!

- M A R I E

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