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filler chapter 2/2!

chapter twenty-seven.

Three months.

Matthias has had his humanity off for three months and he's never felt more alive. There was still a dull ache in his chest, but he drowned out the feeling by becoming the monster that people were terrified of.

Matthias without his humanity was a ripper, much like Stefan Salvatore, but so much worse. Matthias killed with no remorse, he left bodies behind him like it was Christmas and they were the presents.

Katherine hated seeing Matthias binge like this, but she knew that he needed to mourn the loss of his first love. A part of her wanted to tell Matthias about Elena being alive, but she knew that he had to believe Elena was dead in order for him to stay away from Mystic Falls.

Katherine knew that it was because Elena had taught Matthias emotions that she couldn't. After all, Katherine had been the one the teach Matthias how to feel, taught him what friendship was, what life was like having a genuine friend, and then enter Elena Gilbert centuries later and he learned a new emotion.

Katherine knew that Matthias knew how to love, but not romantically. Of course, Katherine couldn't teach him that, she was with his older brother, but that didn't mean that she wanted Elena Gilbert to teach him how to love.

Anyone but Elena Gilbert would have been better.

Then again that was just her opinion.

Matthias and Katherine sat on a bench together, somewhere in the UK, cups of hot chocolate in their hands because that what they wanted at the time. Katherine had to admit that she was surprised that Matthias had stayed with her for this long, but Klaus hadn't called for Matthias yet, in fact, Klaus hadn't called or texted Matthias since they left.

"What's the plan today?" Matthias asked Katherine.

Katherine hummed in content and turned to face him. "Well, we've already done everything here." She told him and he chuckled. "So, I don't know."

"You're not wrong." Matthias told her before standing to his feet and stretching.

Matthias wasn't a fool, he knew of the stares that he was getting from the women on the beach, but he did his best to ignore them. He hadn't been with another female, sure he's seduced them back to his place, but he always fed on them then made them leave. Matthias just couldn't bring himself to be with anyone else.

At the thought of Elena, Matthias' jaw clenched, and he stomped down on the emotions that were daring to peek through.

"So, how about we go shopping?" Matthias offered and Katherine's eyes lit up at the thought of spending more of his money. "You and your shopping addiction."

Katherine glared at him playfully. "And you're the one feeding into it."

"I love making you happy." He told her simply and she smiled at him. "Plus consider it my apology for daggering Elijah when I'm sure that I could have convinced Klaus to let him still live."

Katherine rolled her eyes at him, "I've already forgiven you." She told him while standing up. "Stop apologizing."

"Yeah, yeah, let's go." He said while holding out his hand, Katherine took it before linking their arms together and leading the way.

They didn't get very far when Matthias' phone began to ring. The two stopped and shared a look before he answered the call with no hesitation.

"Nik." He greeted gruffly. "Did you find your pack?"

Klaus smiled on the other end, he hated to admit that he missed his brother. "Not yet, but we found the man we've been looking for in order to find them." Klaus then grumbled, "I hope."

He and Stefan had been looking for one Ray Sutton for months now, the man was a ghost practically as he never stayed in one place for long, but they were gaining on him, or so Klaus believed seeing as they found a living residence of his.

"Send the location, I'll see you soon." And with that, Matthias ended the call and turned towards Katherine. "Oh, don't pout Kat, we both knew this was coming."

Katherine sighed and nodded her head, "Yeah, I was just hoping for more time away from the drama." She told him honestly and he chuckled. "But don't think that this means we're not going shopping one last time before you leave me."

"I wouldn't count on it." Matthias laughed as he let Katherine drag him down the street to the nearest shopping area.

He wouldn't admit it, but he would definitely miss this.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

After spending Matthias' money as much as she wanted, Katherine had been the first one to leave back to the states. Matthias would return by tomorrow morning and meet up with Klaus and it was moments as such that he was glad for investing in a private jet.

Matthias was one his own when he arrived at the strip, he greeted the workers and let them load the jet with his luggage as he climbed in. He sat emotionlessly by the window and didn't move when the jet took off ten minutes later.

For a moment, for one selfish moment, Matthias let his switch turn back on and it was suffocating. His eyes were watering, and his chest ached unbearably so as he leaned forward and let out a scream. He had already compelled the workers to leave him alone, so he didn't care about them hearing him.

Matthias hated this feeling, he didn't want to be alive, not when the pain was unbearable. Pulling out his phone, he dialed the number that he had committed to memory unaware of the fact that someone could answer.

Elena Gilbert jumped when her phone began to ring, a simmer of hope appeared when she thought that it was Stefan when instead it was Matthias. Her heart jumped into her throat as she stared at the familiar number on her screen, she didn't miss the way that her heart was begging her to answer it, to tell him that she was alive, but she couldn't.

She had promised Damon and Bonnie not to contact him even when she really wanted too. Instead, they would worry about bringing Stefan home. She would be lying if she said that she didn't miss Matthias though, she would be lying if she said that he didn't constantly come to her thoughts at night, and she would be lying if she said that she didn't want him next to her.

Just like he believed it would, the call went straight to voicemail and Matthias felt his throat clog up when he heard her voice again.

"Hey, it's Elena!" Her voice greeted sweetly. "Sorry I didn't answer, leave a message and I'll get back to you!" She promised before the beep followed right after.

"I'm sorry." Matthias apologized softly. "You're gone and I'm finding it hard to breathe now a days. I've been with Katherine till now, she and I parted ways since Klaus has summoned me, not that I mind. I miss him." Matthias paused, licking his lips. "I miss you." He started to cry again. "I miss you so much Elena, I am so sorry."

With that, Matthias broke his phone and sighed in annoyance. He would have to buy a new one when he landed, and just like that, he turned it off and walked over to where he knew he'd find his dinner.

Let's just say, when Matthias landed, he would have to compel himself a cleaning crew for the mess he made.

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