Boscha 15#

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It's been a week my father is still gone and its starting to concern me. its Monday morning and hear a knock come from downstairs, I yawn and walk downstairs opening the door I see a guard from the castle. "Boscha Hieronymus?" I nod he hands me a letter, its red I tilt my head and open the red envelope It reads

Dear Boscha Hieronymus

we regret to inform you that your father pasted away on a ship off the cost of the boiling isles.

-coast guard

I wave the guard away and close the door he's dead millions of emotions fill my head, before I can even think of anything to say there was another knock on my door. I walk over and see the bights? "hello Boscha, we are here for your parents belongings" Mrs. Blight says. she shoves past me and walks inside, me a confused girl could think of what to do next so I acted on instinct I run up stairs to my room and gather a bag, after I grab all my important things I

change into some clothes and hop out my window. I don't care if my dad is dead and my mother still isn't back I don't want to be next. I run into the woods
I let my feet carry me to anywhere, I end up at willows house (ofcourse) I knock on the door as her dad answers, he gives me a confused look "Boscha? are you ok?" I shake my head he leads me inside I sit on the couch thoughts running through my head, I'm a frequent guest at the Park house ever since the

whole 'my dad is abusive' shit went down last week I moved out of here and back to my own house the parks made my promise to tell them if my dad hurts me again so I agreed, "Umm... willow isn't here right now but should be home soon" his words fade into the background, he's dead, my mother has been missing for weeks and I don't know what to do next. thoughts kept running in my head I was on the verge of a panic attack when I felt someone's hand

on my shoulder I look over and see Willows dad sitting next to me "Boscha, we count you as part of the family you can tell me anything" Mr. Park says I sigh "ok, I got a letter this morning saying my dad is dead, my mother hasn't been home in weeks and the blights have taken everything in the house" I watch him process what I just said "Ok Boscha, your going to stay here until we figure out what to do, in the mean time I'm going to call willow" I nod. I t

take my stuff upstairs and lay on the bed, "why does this happen to me" I say and cover my face with my hands, I hear the front door burst open and someone run upstairs, willow breaks into the room "Boscha! why didn't you tell me?!" she yell slightly angry but mostly relived, she climbed next to me and hugged me I hug her back, "I swear you worry me" Willow says muffing her voice in my chest. I smile "I love you" I say she looks up at me and smiles

"I love you too, now don't you dare do that again" she says I roll my eyes and kiss her "Ok Flower I wont" we cuddle and that's when I decided I want to live the rest of my life with her and only her. I kiss her forehead and pull her closer this, this is where I belong......

words:602 9/28/2021

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