Willow 12#

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I wake up the next morning and see I'm laying on top of Boscha she has her arms wrapped around my waist, I blush slightly I try to get up but Boscha grips tighter I laugh a little "hey Boscha I need to get up" she shakes her head "5 more minutes" she whispers. I roll my eyes and pull myself out of her grip
she drifts back to sleep and I walk to the kitchen, I pull out a box of Boiling isles muffins and get to cooking after an hour or so Boscha walked into the

kitchen. I smiled "morning, you want a muffin?" she nods and grabs a muffin off the table. we sit and talk for about half an hour before Boscha says
she has to go "do you have to?" I whine she nods "yeah sorry willow, my dad wouldn't be to pleased if he found out I spent the night here, more bruises for me" she joked but I could tell it wasn't a joke "umm... Boscha weird question but are you safe at home?" her eyes showed no but she said yes, I place my

hand on top of hers with out thinking "you know you can tell me anything, I wont make fun of you or scolded you for it" I say Boscha drops her fake smile as I see a tear fall from her face. she is really hurt I pull her into a hug and rub her back she starts to cry some more, poor Boscha. once she calmed down she wiped her eyes "sorry" she said I tilt my head "what for?" I ask, she give me a confused look "showed you I was weak you can use it against me" I'm

shocked "Boscha who told you crying is weak? and that people would use it against you?" she looked down at the ground "my father" she said. "well none of that is true, your feelings are vailed" I say she looked up at me I could now see this tough mean girl was actually just broken inside. "if you don't mind me asking what else has he told and done to you?" she sighed and told me everything with every word I got angrier and angrier. "you are not going back

there" I say plainly she looks at me "where would I go?" I smile "you will stay here, I don't need you getting hurt anymore ok? I'm sure my dads wont mind if we tell them...." she cut me off "No, no, no I don't want to tell anyone" I place my hand on her shoulder, "Boscha" I say calmly she looks at me "I know you don't want to tell anyone about this, but this is serious and I don't want you getting more hurt than you already are" she sighed and nodded "ok willow

I trust you" I smile. I call my dads and they tell me their on their way back, we move to the couch as I hear a knock on the door. I open the door and see Skara. "hey Skara did Boscha call you?" she nodded. I let her in she walks over to Boscha scolding her for not telling her before then they hug and start to talk, I feel a feeling rise up in me it felt like hate for someone else to hang out with Boscha wait am I jealous. before I could think further my dads walked

through the door I smiled and hugged them we walked to the couch and sat down, Skara left said she was going to Bo's house and walked out the door. I sat next to Boscha as we discussed the situation. "well this is a problem" my dad said he looked at my papa and he nodded "Boscha can stay until we
find a better solution" papa says much to my dad's dismay. I smile "thank you both" I say. me and Boscha walk up stairs I can tell shes nervous we arrive in

my room I sit on top of my desk with my feet in the chair I watched Boscha walk around the room looking at pictures and plants. "your house is nice" she says I smile "I'm glad you think so" she walks towards me "so why are you helping me I mean I've been an ass to you since I can remember why help me?" I smile "because even though you torment me, even though you call me half-a-witch, even though you are a bully, your a person and you deserve a second

chance because I know your a good person underneath" Boscha walks closer and puts her hands on either side of me on the table, my face starts to heat up I see a cocky grin come on her face making me shy. "whats the matter flower? cat got your tough" she says getting closer to my face. there's a knock on the door and Boscha backs away quickly. "willow me and your father are going to work you and Boscha will be by yourselves well be back for dinner" he says

and walks back downstairs. we sit in an awkward silence Boscha leaves for the bathroom, I feel myself breath out "oh shoot" I say realizing the very thing I dread "I have a crush on Boscha".....

words:900 9/26/2021 [edited 1/6/2022]

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