Boscha 3#

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I walk into school early with a bruise on my arm from 'falling down the stairs' when in reality my dad pushed me, he called me weak when he saw the bruise. I ran out of the house so fast, I sigh as I enter the school I look over at the green house and see someone there. me being nosey heads over to the door I see

willow carrying a plant to another part of the green house, i cant help but admire her muscles. the sun peaks through the roof it lands perfectly on willow make her look like a goddess. I sigh why is your gay brain like this, I cant help but smile slightly I step forward stepping on a stick causing attention to come to myself. willow looks over with a confused look my face heats up with embarrassment I act on instanced and run the other direction. I run into

Skara and the others. "hey Boscha, are you ok? your really red" I put my hands on my face "am I really?" I ask slightly concerned "yeah? are you ok? is grugby season coming up giving you nerves? hey whats with the bruise?" she asks i hid my arms, shit that's coming up great more bruise for me "um no its just that a feel down the stairs this morning and I've been kind of out of whack" Skara looked like she didnt believe me but her and the rest of my friends

shrug. we walk to class my mind kept wandering to the green house, shes so strong the day went by so fast that it was already time to head home, I start to walk home today was crap except the part with willow. I walk up to my room thankfully my dad isn't home, I get a notification reminding me the party is tomorrow. I sigh and decide to call Skara, "hey Boscha this isn't really the best time, Luz for the last time you don't need to drink the punch anyway I'll call

you back me and the other girls are setting up for the party bye" she says and hangs up I sighed "well that failed" I stand up and look for something to do I find a box full of pictures. I smile and take them out. the first one of me winning a grugby game the next few were of me and my friends, I pull out a picture of primary school. I look at it is of young me and willow when we were friends my parents made me end that quick. I sigh and place the picture in the box. I hear a door slam downstairs oh fuck hes back and he's pissed I walk downstairs for dinner I sit at the table and eat my food "Fat ass like your

mother" he says scolding me for eating. I place the fork down and drink my water. I stand up and start to walk to my room when my shoulder is grabbed. "you are weak and pathetic I wanted a son and I got a disgrace of a daughter, and dont you forget that" he says and relaxes his grip. he walked to his study leaving me in the cold dinning room, I sigh and lay on my bed I fall asleep the next day I take my stuff for the sleepover with me so I don't have to come

back here. I leave a note for my dad telling him I'm at Skara's doing homework. I walk to school I stuff my stuff in my locker and walk to the grugby field. I kick the ball around for awhile till I see someone watching me "you know you should be more careful on the field" she says I roll my eyes "I don't need advice from Half-a-witch willow" I say kind of playfully, I pick up my ball, I see her smirk "what are you smirking at?" I say she shrugs "I think you like

me, i saw you starring at me yesterday" she said cockily I scoff "like I would like you half-a-witch I have to go" I say and walk off feeling my ears heat up. I grumble under my breath, the day ended quite quickly, i grab my stuff from my locker and  follow Skara to her house, we arrive at her house i wave hi to her parents and drop my stuff off in her room. i change into a black dress with a belt around my wasit, Skara changes into a red sparkley dress. we say

bye to her parents and head to the party. "Em and Ed throw the best party's" she says raving about how she decorated everything, curintly i was thinking about waht Willow said, i get knocked out of my thoughts when we arrive at the party, I walk in with Skara "hey Boscha and Skara welcome, drinks and snack are in the back, upstairs there playing party games, and in the living room were about to start a game of seven minutes in heaven and truth or dare.

enjoy" Emria says and walks off to join her brother "lets go play 7 minutes in heaven" I roll my eyes "not my cup of tea you go have fun" I say she runs off as I walk to the snack table grabbing a beer, I take a sip when I see Luz and Amity making out against the wall. I feel grossed out I walk through the crowd of people till I arrive in the living room. I see people including Skara sitting in a circle I lean against the wall and watch there little game, once they

ended I joined in for truth or dare. so did half-a-witch, as well as a very red amity and Luz. I spin the beer bottle in the middle it lands on Luz, I smirk "truth or dare?" I ask Luz thinks for a moment "Dare" she says confidently I smile "I dare you to dump a beer on your head" she nods and grabs one dumping it on her head soaked her clothes, i smile amused. after a few rounds everyone was tired people slowly started to leave. Skara ran up to me

"next week Amity is having a sleepover and invited both of us" I nod. not really caring i'm pretty drunk I walk to Skara's house, we sneak up to her room as soon as I lay my head down I fall asleep.....

words:1106 9/8/2021 [edited 1/5/2022]

nothing interesting yet but soon very soon.....

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