Willow 8#

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I wake up in Luz's room very confused, I see Amity and Luz sitting next to me "hey what happened?" I asked the look at me "well after you picked me up, Amity's parents sent her to the emperor and we had to go rescue her and also defeat the emperor in the process" Luz said, I give her a surprised look "what?" I say Amity covers her girlfriends mouth "we'll tell you later" Amity says glaring at Luz. I laugh "no I'm fine Amity, umm how long have I been

out?" they look at each other "two days" Amity says. I sit up and rub my head "Ow I must have been hit hard, do my dads know where I am? or what
happened?" they shake there head "they don't know what happened they think you've been spending the nights at my house" Luz says I nod and try to stand up only to end up back on the floor. "Willow you need to rest" I shake my head "nope I need to get to my house and exspain to my dads what has

happened in the past two days" I say they shrug "I guess we cant stop you but be careful ok?" I nod. I finally get my footing and my balance and start to walk out of the owl house. I felt it getting easier to walk so I started to pick up the pace, I was halfway home when I tripped on a rock causing me to fall on my face. I sigh "crap" I try to stand up but can't why me "Hey you need help?" I turn my head and see a pink haired three eyed witch walking up to me. I

sigh "actually yes" I say she nods and helps me to my feet she wraps my arm around her neck. "do you want me to help you get home?" she says with a smile. Boscha smiles? "umm yeah that would be helpful" I say we start to walk towards my house "so park what made you run head first into danger?" she asks with a little bit of red on her face Boscha' s acting weird "umm well... wait you know about that?" she nods "Amity texted Skara and Amelia that you

and Luz got hurt so yeah we know" she says "oh ok.... well I wasn't planning to get hurt, but Luz and Amity were both down so I stepped in I got really hurt but bough enough time for Eda and Amity to stop Belos so it worked out kind of in the end" Boscha' s face formed a frown "you should have to go straight into danger" she says I feel surprised Boscha sounds worried about me? we arrive at my house I knock on the door and see my dad open the door. "willow?

what happened" he asks helping me inside. Boscha keeps her head down I started to talk "well.... Luz and Amity went to go defeat Belos and I kind of tagged along, please don't be mad but me and Luz got hurt so I was out for a few days, I wanted to tell you so I left Amity was taking care of Luz so they didn't come with me, I fell down the path on the way here and Boscha found me and helped me up" I said my dad looked surprised I'm glad my dad isn't

here he would flip. "I have to go Willow, sorry for the trouble Mr. Park" Boscha says and starts to walk out the door. "wait Boscha" I say she turns around "thank you" I say she nods "anytime" she walk out the door and shuts it behind her. "ok Willow your dad is going to flip when he hears this so go get

cleaned up then we will talk. OK?" I nod and start to walk up stairs "oh and sweetie?" I turn around and look at my Dad "yes?" he smiles "Boscha might not be that bad" he says I smile and walk up stairs. Maybe Boscha isn't that bad after all.....

words:719 9/20/2021 [edited 1/6/2022]

hey everyone I'm back and ready to write some more I had some mental health issues I had to deal with but i'm ok now..... ok byeeeee

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