Willow 6#

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I walk outside and breath in a breath of fresh air a new day. I wave bye to my dads and head off to school well to the green house to be more specific its the weekend but plants cant wait for two days. I walk into the green house and unlock the door, I water the plants till I get the feeling someone is watching I turn around and see Skara and Bo. I smile "hey, what you need?" I ask the walk into the room "well we had a question for you" Skara said

looking at Bo "yeah do you like Boscha?" I give them a shocked expression "excuse me what?" I say they shrug "well we saw you and her hanging out at the party and we thought" I shake my head "who in there right mind would date the one person who has bullied them almost half there life? no we are hardly friends but in a relationship never in a million years" I say they both shrug "well worth a shot, by the way were you invited to Amity's sleepover?" Bo asks

I nod "ok then see you there" they walk off holding hands. I shrug what was that about? After I finished at the green house I started to walk back to the house. I took a detour through a forest path when I heard someone crying? I look behind a tree and see an old fountain sitting at the fountain was Boscha. I stand quietly and watch the pink haired girl I feel bad for her. I decide its not my business to stick my nose in so I walk away but not without stepping on

a stick to alert her I'm here. fudge "whos there?" Boscha said, I sigh and walk over to the fountain "hi..." I say twiddling my fingers. Boscha wiped her tears and hid her face from view "what do you want Half-a-witch?" she says clearlly upset she had been caught. I shrug "I don't really know I was just walking and heard someone crying so I decided to-" I was cut off by Boscha "so you could tell people that person is pathetic" I shake my head "no, no, no I'd never

do that I just wanted to make sure your ok" Boscha looked at me and rolled her eyes "but when you saw it was me you tried to sneak away" Boscha stood up and brushed the leaves off of herself "guess what Half-a-witch I don't need your pity I'm Boscha captain of the grugby team and in the family of one of the highest in the boiling isles I don't need you or anyone" she says and walks away, who hurt her? I make it to the house and step inside my dads must

still be at work. so I head up to my room I fall on to my bed and scroll through penstagram, I see pictures of happy couples and cute date idea. I sigh slightly jelouse, I hear the door open downstairs, i jump out of bed and head to the door, I see my dad caring my papa they laugh and enjoy each others company a little to much to the point I have to make my presents know. I clear my throat they both go red "oh pumpkin we didn't know you were back

from the green house" I roll my eyes and laugh "its fine Papa" I smile and walk to the kitchen. me and my papa make food together every so often we make a vegie salad as well as some grilled meat. I carry everything to the table I sit in my seat and my parents soon join me. we eat and talk about our day till get a call from Amity. I excuse myself and walk off into a different room "hello" i say into the phone "hey willow so Luz kind of fell asleep at my house

and didn't bring her staff, and my parents just arrived down stairs could you come get her from my window?" a confused expression appeared on my face "why cant you take her home?" I said "well... my parents are outside my door" I guess I have to go "ok fine but you owe me see you in 5 minutes" I hang up the phone and tell my parents where i'm going. I swear that couple gets into more trouble than good......

words:763 9/14/2021 [edited 1/6/2022]

it may take me longer to make/post chapters because of school....

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