Willow 2#

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As I enter my house I smell the scent of an apple pie, papa must be baking "I'm home" I yell and walk into the kitchen. "hey Papa hey dad" I say and place my bag on the chair. they both turn around "hey willow how was school?" Papa asks. I shrug "it was ok, Boscha bothered my friends again today but I stood up for them" my fathers smiled "good job being our brave willow" Papa says I smile, I see my dad groan "whats the matter?" i ask he shakes his head "i just

wish we could help you with Boscha, pumkin she's been builing you since kinagarden" dad says, a timer goes off interupting the conversation. Papa takes the pie out of the oven. "do want a slice willow?" he asks, I smile and nod. I grab a slice and take it up to my room not wanting to talk about Boscha. I shut my door and sit at my desk I pull out my scroll and see a message from Amity or Luz rather.

(Amity) hey this is Luz I'm using Amity's scroll, anyway we were wondering if you want to come to a party at the blight manner Wednesday? also if you want to have a sleepover at the owl house after?

I shrug I guess it could be fun

(willow) sure what time?

(Amity) six ok bye

I smile and turn off my scroll, I start my homework eating random bites of my pie when I can. I stretch and take a break, I grab my watering can and go to water my plants. I smile as I pour the water on their green leaves. I use a little magic to bring them more life, After I go back to work on my homework a few hours later i finish still not tired, I walk downstairs to see one of my dad's reading a book and the other peacefully asleep. I smile and walk to the

kitchen, I make myself a sandwich i check the clock and see its around eleven or so. when I see my dad standing in the door, "hey papa what do you need?" I ask he smiles "nothing sweetheart I just want to say if you need me to have a talk with Boscha you tell me, i know your dad might actully hurt her if this contuines" I shake my head "I'm fine papa, I can deal with Boscha its when she messes with my friends t goes to far, oh I was gong to ask Luz and

Amity invited me to a party on Wednesday can I go? also after could I spend the night at Luz's house?" he smiles "sure just be safe" I smile and hug him "thank you" he kisses my forehead and heads back to the couch. I head upstairs and go to bed. the following morning I'm rudely awoken by a phone call. "hello?" I say in a sleepy voice "hey willow sorry did I wake you I was asking if you are going to the party?" I'm still very tired i try to process what he just s

said. "I am, but who is this?" I hear an 'oh' go through the stroll "sorry its Gus Luz just invited me" I scoff "did you have to call me at 4am?" I ask "sorry I was just excided, see you at school" he said and hung up. I sigh knowing I'm not going back to sleep. I stand up and put my glasses on, i put on my hexside uniform and grab a green sweatshirt that had the words 'hexside' on the front I walk out of my room pulling the sweat shirt over my head while i walk.

"hey pumpkin your up early" Dad says I smile "I couldn't get back to sleep, what are you dong?" I ask watching my dad put on thick work boots "oh yeah I was out in the garden and saw something dig a hole in the vegetables I'm going to check it out" I smile "ok be safe I'm going to go to the school earlier bye love you" he smiles "ok bye love you too" I grab my bag and walk out the front door I breath in the minty fall air so fresh and new I admire the nature

surrounding my house and on my walk. I see the school green house in the distant I skip to the door and pull out my key for the green house. "hello little guys how are you today" say to the plants I start to water and tend to the plants filling them up with new soil as well as uses a little magic. I see the sun start to peak through the roof window I squint my eyes and look at the light. it cast perfect shadows on the plants. I look over and see a few of the plants

that arent getting sun, i walk over and start to move them, weight lifting has come in handy i pick the big plant pot up and walk it over to the sun. I hear a snap and look at the door I spot Boscha? I give her a confused look while also trying not to drop the plant. she looks away and runs the other direction.

weird I hear the bell ring and realize school has started shoot! i place the plant down where i was and run over to my stuff, I grab my bag off the floor and run to class...

words:933 9/8/2021 [edited 1/5/2022]

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