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15 years in the future (willows POV)

I wake up and smell pancakes downstairs, I chuckle a little before slipping on my slippers and walk downstairs. I lean against the door frame and smirk "what are you doing?" I ask Boscha turns around "Aw man I was going to give you breakfast in bed" she said I smile and walk over kissing her on the
cheek, "Mommy your awake" Yelled the two little five year old's. they run up and hug my leg I smile and laugh "girls, give mommy a little space" Boscha

says, Gigi and Cleo back off and run back to play. I grab a cup of coffee and go sit down, we have been married for 6 years and everyday Boscha is
amazing she stays home with the kids while I work, shes really change since our teen years. "Flower?" I look at her "yes bee?" she smiles "are you taking the kids today or am I?" I shrug "I can, oh also tonight we're going over to see Luz and Amity" she nodded, we packed up our stuff and headed

outside I called for the girls and kiss Boscha goodbye. I fly off to work and drop the kids off at school, my life couldn't be better. I cant wait for more adventures with my lovely wife and kids but for the time being I will just enjoy the time I have with them now.....

words:241 9/28/2021

Hellooo everyone this is the end of this book I hope you enjoyed I have other books coming soon but for the time being this might be it for a while I hope you have enjoyed.

also leave your overall comments on this book I love to hear what people though of it <3<3

ok byeeeeee

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