Boscha 13#

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I stand in front of the mirror splashing water on my face "Boscha get yourself under control" you tried to kiss willow my face goes red thinking about it, I put my head in my hands but when she was talking she was just so cute I couldn't help it "ugh" I sigh and slide against the bathroom wall. I pull out my scroll and text the group chat to meet at the field in a hour. I stand up and walk back to Willows room we both stayed silent I decide to speak "umm.... lets

just forget that happened ok?" she nodded. we talked for a few minutes before I left for the field, careful not to run into my dad. I see Skara, Bo, Amelia, and Kat I wave they give me a confused face "so why did you want us to meet? the next grugby game isnt for another two weeks" Kat asked. I scratched the back of my neck "umm... so I've been hiding something from you guys, my dad he, he abuses me and that's why I usually show up to practices with

bruises and cuts." they all looked shocked minus Skara since I already told her they all came up and hugged me, "why didn't you tell us?" Amelia asks I shrug "I though you all wouldn't care" I say they shake their heads "never, were your friends" Bo says. I smile "so where are you staying I mean you cant go back to the manner" Kat says I look at the ground "that's the other thing, I'm staying with willow" I saw all the girls faces light up "oooo so have you come

to terms with the fact you like her?" I sigh "yes..." I say hesitantly they all laugh "we all knew it" Skara says I give her a glare. we talk for the next hour before I decide to walk back to the house I arrive and smell something cooking. I walk into the kitchen and see willow and her dads cooking dinner, "hey Boscha, do you want to help us?" Willow says I shrug "I've never cooked before" willow smiled "then we'll teach you, what do say papa?" he nods. I wash

my hands and walk over to willow "umm what do you want me to do?" willow smiled "I'll put you on the easiest task cutting vegetables" I nod this will be easy. I start to cut the vegetables having a little trouble at first then getting the hang of it. I got distracted by willow for a second and the knife slipped cutting my finger. "ow!" I say dropping the knife and griping my cut finger. willow ran over and walked me to the bathroom. I sat on the sink counter as

she pulled down a first aid kit. she pulled out a band aid and a rag she wet the rag and placed it on my finger making it sting. "ow!" I say pulling my finger away "that hurt" I say she rolled her eyes "well I need to clean it before putting the band aid on it" I frown and roll my eyes "fine" she continued to clean the cut. she placed the band aid on my finger "and for extra measures" she said and kissed the band aid making me blush. "thank you doctor park" I say

she smiles "that's enough bee, lets go finishes dinner" I blush at her calling me bee. we go and sit at the table and start to eat the pasta. they talked about their day it was enjoyable unlike the meals at my house. we finished and walked back upstairs, me and willow laid on the bed talking about our day. I look over at her face so cute her brown eyes so pretty, she sees me starring at her and smiles "Bee? you good?" I shake my head and blush "yep I'm good" I

say in a rush she laughs. I could listen to that forever, we stare at each other her eyes locked on mine, before I do something stupid I stand up and walk over to the window. willow looks confused. "Boscha? are you sure your ok?" I shake my head she walks over and places her hand on my shoulder. I look at her, so cute, so sweet, so amazing its silly of me to think I have a chance with her. I sigh she looks at me "whats wrong Boscha?" she asks she places her

hand on my cheek i leand into the warmth, "i just, being friends hurts me" I say she pulls me close till we're only an inch apart "what do you mean?" she asks, my breath hitches just do it, no, you can, no my mind kept going back and forth, my mind blanks next thing i know I'm place my hands on her waist and pull her close, I stop before something  happens worried i might scare her, she smiles her eyes sparkling "what are you waiting for Bee?" she

whispers. sending a tingle down my spine, I do it I pull her into a kiss soft, and sweet she tastes of peppermint and hot chocolate, I break the kiss and look at her hazel eyes she blushes and smiles. "you don't know how long I've been wanting to do that" I say she giggles....

words:900 9/27/2021 [edited 1/6/2022]

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