Boscha 5#

750 19 6

I sit on the bench and watch Willow play she looks hot in the grugby uniform. I shake my head what am I thinking stupid gay thoughts, I watch the game we win 7-6 all the girls come over and start to chat "wow willow you did awesome" Skara said I wouldn't admit it but I agree with her willow did amazingly. we walk off to

the after party me being helped by Amelia and Skara. "didn't willow do great?" asked Amelia "she did ok" I say back I zone out after a few minutes. when out of the corner of my eye I see Skara smirk "hey Boscha do you like willow" my mind didn't process the word so all I did was nod. I hear them sequel that's when my mind returns I

realize what I did "fuck no I don't like that half-a-witch" I say they laugh "sure you don't" we make it to the after party full of fun and drinks. I grab a beer and sit down still not able to dance because of my ankle. I sit in the back and watch everyone, someone comes and sits next to me I see it Park "hey

Boscha how's your ankle?" she asks I shrug "still hurts like hell when I put presser on it" I say in an angry tone. I lean back in the plastic chair and drink my beer willow sighs "why do you hate me Boscha?" she asks I shrug "I don't actually know, my parents taught me to hate you and others who wer below me when in reality I kind of enjoy your presents" I admit, I see willow smirk "I told you, you like me" she said I roll my eyes feeling the drunkness take

over "will you quit teasing me if I say yes?" she nodded "fine I like you, as a friend willow park better?" she smiled "very much" we sit and listen to the music after the party Willow helped me home "it was nice hanging out with you willow" I say she smiles "it was fun I agree well I have to go bye, Boscha" I wave and limp into the house my dad sits on the couch "how was the game Boscha" I put my foot down and pretend it doesn't hurt like hell "it when fine

we won and no one was hurt on our team that is" my father nods "good now go up stairs I want to be alone" I try to walk normally up the stairs, I fall on my bed and lift my foot on some pillows. I scroll through pictures of the game I smile when I see a picture of my team and willow holding the first trophy of the season. I fall asleep thinking about the plant witch. the next morning is the weekend my dad will be gone till Monday morning I sigh and walk

downstairs from breakfast after eating, I left the house and took a walk, my leg healed from the healing spell Willow placed on it last night. not sure where I'm going I walk into town and run into Luz and Amity "hey Boscha" they say trying to be friendly i dont smile but i wave and sigh, I just walk away I will never have what they have the perfect couple. I walk to the water and stand there that's when I see the oldest blight and her girlfriend having a

picnic I roll my eyes and walk off into the woods I watch leaves fall and hit the ground I look around and see a fallen log with the blight boy and some blonde hair boy kissing. I grumble and keep walking a little pissed now I run into Skara and Bo and see them holding hands I walk off the path to avoid them. "what is the deal with people being in happy relationships ugh" I walk off and see one after the other of couples holding hands or kissing or just

being cute with each other I walk off to find somewhere quiet I find an old fountain and sit my back against the stone. everyone hates me there's no point in even trying...

words:719 9/10/2021 [edited 1/6/2022]

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