Willow 14#

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Its been three days since the kiss me and Boscha have gotten a lot closer but haven't told anyone because one Luz would lose it and not in a good way and the other half of the group wouldnt shut up about how great it is. were laying in bed cuddled together when I question appears in my head "hey bee?" I say she look at me "yes flower?" I smiles "what are we?" she sits and thinks for a moment "I guess what ever you want us to be" I blush slightly I like this side

of Boscha "girlfriends?" Boscha smiles "girlfriends" we cuddle some more. my dads know were dating but our friends don't so tonight at Amity's sleepover which was moved forward because of the whole attack thing. I check the time "um bee we have to go otherwise will be late" Boscha groans but sits up and gets ready. we grab our bags and walk downstairs. we wave bye to my dads and walk off to the blight manner, the bight parents are out of town so it will

just be us. I knock on the door one of the twins answers "oh hey willow, Boscha come on in their all upstairs in Amity's room" I thank Emria and head upstairs with Boscha we enter the bed room and wave to everyone. Luz and Amity were cuddling on the bed Bo and Skara were sitting on the bay window and Amelia and Kat were on the ground talking about something, me and Boscha join the two girls on the ground. "so now that everyone is here, who

wants to play a game?" Luz asks, everyone nodded, we all sat in a circle on the floor "me first, umm Bo truth or dare" Luz asks Bo thinks for a moment "umm... dare" Luz smiles "I dare you to sit on Skara's lap for the rest of the round they both shrug and do as they were told, "Ok um amity truth or dare?" amity takes no hesitation "Truth" Bo smirks "tell us how you really feel about your girlfriend" Amity goes red "fine but I'm whispering it to her and only

her" we all shrug Amity leans over and whispers to Luz after a few minutes Luz gets redder and redder before stopping Amity and kissing her. after a few minutes I clear my throat to remind them we're all still here. they both laugh "Ok Willow truth or dare" now I know for a fact Amity doesn't know me and Boscha together so I have to act as surprised as possible. "Dare" I say Amity smirks thinking shes doing something embarrassing, "I dare you to kiss Boscha"

everyone in the room including Boscha gasped. I smile "done" I quickly lean over and kiss Boscha quickly. "that was a little easy?" Skara questioned i shrug "ok Boscha, truth or dare?" i ask Boscha smirks "dare" i smirk "tell everyone what you think of me" i say Boscha goes red "umm.....I think your really cute and adorble when you laugh, my stomach does backflips when your around and i couldnt ask for a better girlfriend" Boscha says the last part

smirking.  everyone just stood there shocked some gasped, I smirked and laid against Boschas shoulder. me and Boscha left them all speechless Luz was the first to speak "Your Dating? when the fuck did this happen?" Amity looked at Luz "Language!" she shouted at Luz, she sticks her tounge at Amity. me and Boscha look at each other "shall we tell them?" i say boscha shrugs "why not" we explained everything "so we have three couples in this group and two

straights who aren't dating anyone great" Bo says "how did me and Amelia get stuck in a group of gays?" Kat asks, we all burst into laugher "no idea, are you two sure your straight?" Amity questions the girls roll their eyes "I'm pretty sure" Kat says. "Same here" Amelia states. we enjoyed the rest of the night with a few pranks from the twins and well as a sugar crash from Skara and Kat. I cuddle up next to Boscha nothing can ruin this night...

words:719 9/27/2021 [edited 1/6/2022]

hello peoples this isn't the end yet but were getting close stay tune byeeeeee..

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