Willow 10#

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is this how Amity feels all the time? I ask myself as I stare at Boscha her hair is down it makes me freak out, i kept thinking about the day she helped me home, ugh no you have to remember the bad out wedges the good I sit on the field with my legs crossed and my kit in my hand its my last day helping the grugby team so I better make it count. Skara and Kat scraped their knees but nothing to bad. I watch Boscha run across the field her hair in a high

ponytail. snap out of it Willow after the practice I pack up my stuff when a sweaty Boscha runs up beside me to grab her water knocking me over in the process but before I hit the ground I felt her grab my hand and pull me back to my feet. "Thanks Boscha" I say she rubs the back of her neck "Umm.... yeah no problem" I start to walk away when I hear her call after me I turn around "Willow wait up" she says running up behind me. "I was wondering if you

could meet me at the park later today?" I shrug "sure?" I say Boscha smiles "ok great" she ran back to her team "hmm weird" I walk to the park and sit on the swings waiting for Boscha I see her pink hair pop out from behind a tree. I wave she rubs her hands nervously she walk over and sits on the swing next to me. "so let me get straight to the point, I know a sorry isn't going to fix the years of bullying I put you through and I know you might not forgive me

but I'm truly sorry and really want to start over, but if you don't want to I completely understand" I feel shocked Boscha apologizing that's a first I think for a moment before answering "Look Boscha it's not that I don't want to trust you its just that its hard to after all the wrong has happed I don't know" I say Boscha looks sad "I wouldn't trust me either" she says. In instinct I grabbed her hand and made her look at me third eye and all "Boscha if you want me

to trust you, you need to prove it start by stop calling people names and at least start trying to be a good person?" she smiles "I will try my best Hal- I mean Willow" I smile "good, now I have to go home but see you at school on Monday, oh and thank you again for helping me home before" I say and get off
the swings. I start to walk back waving bye to Boscha and walk home, I take a detour to the owl house and see Hooty talking to someone on the roof. I tilt

my head "Hooty?" I ask he and a boy with Blonde hair and a scar look down on me. I give them a confused face "who are you?" I ask the
boy looked scared "Umm I'm Hunter, just Hunter" he say I nod "ok just hunter, would you happen to know where Luz is?" he nodded "yeah, wait a second" the boy said and jumped off the roof. he landed beside me and walked around the side of the house I followed him and find Luz and Amity working on

some spells. "hey Luz, Amity" I say the turn around and smile "hey willow, I see you met Hunter Lilith told us he needed a normal teenage experience so he lives here now" I look at Hunter "oh so you were the golden guard?" he shrugs "not any more, I'm just hunter" I nod "ok then I um wanted to talk
to Luz" she nodded and lead me inside "whats up Willow?" she asked I sigh "so Boscha apologized for everything and asked for me to forgive her" Luz

blinked a few times clearly not believing what I was saying she crossed her arms "did you forgive her?" she asked sternly which slightly terrified me. "I
told her she has too change before I can forgive her" Luz relaxed a little and her stern looked dropped "good, look Boscha has done a lot of bad shit and I don't want my best friend to be hurt so if anything and I mean anything happens I will make Boscha regret it" I feel slightly scared "I appreciate

your concern but I can take care of myself I've dealt with Boscha my whole life this isnt new" I say Luz drops her arms and nods "ok I trust you willow just be careful, we both know you have a fragile heart" she said I place my hand on my chest "ok that was offensive but I will be careful ok?" she nodded and smiled I hug her. we walk back outside and see Hunter and Amity auguring. "I already told you I love Luz I would never hurt her" Amity says I see Luz go

red and smile "look Amity I know we don't know each other that well but I consider Luz as a sister so I don't want her cotton candy haired goddess hurting Luz's feelings" Hunter says I hold in a laugh while Luz gets angry "Hey I told you that out of confidents" she say about to tackle him to the ground Amity started to laugh. I wave bye and walk home leaving the sibling girlfriend fight, I arrive and see a note on the door. I un tape it and read it

dear Pumpkin

we couldn't reach your scroll but me and papa went to go see Dad's sister for the evening we'll be back tomorrow lock the door and don't let anyone in
love Papa

I sigh and enter the house. I walk to the kitchen and start to cook myself some food after finishing I walk up to my room with my food, today has been a weird day I laugh and water my plants I get comfy and turn on witchflix and enjoy a quiet evening......

words1030 9/25/2021 [edited 1/6/2022]

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