Boscha 1#

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"you are a disgrace Boscha you let that willow beat you during that grugby game, the only reasson you won was because of that stupid bug i won all my games and never picked up that stupid bug" father said scolding me when I got home from school. its been weeks since the grugby game yet my dad wont lighten up he reminds me every day that I'm a failure and I'm starting to believe him. I walk up to my room showing no emotion if you show emotion you

are weak and worthless in my fathers eyes. I close and lock my door I go over to my drawer and pull out a small blade. I pull up wrist and slice across thinking about all the hurtful words I heard today. I watch the blood drip down to my arm. I sigh and pick up a small towel that has dried blood already on it. I wipe off the blood and try to keep tears from falling off my face. I summon my scroll and pull up a list of days since my last cut. I remove the 4 and

change it to a 0 I sigh and lay on my bed. I don't want to I don't know why I do it but it makes me feel better. my scroll start to ring its Skara. I pick up the scroll "hey Boscha there's a party Wednesday you in? me and the girls are going" I don't want to go but I also don't want to be stuck here with my dad. "sure if we can spend the night at your house after?" I hear Skara sequel "ok great its at the blights mansion be there at 6 byee" she says and hangs up. I

sigh and look up at the celling till I fall asleep. the next morning I wake up at 5 so I can avoid my father. I change into my hexside uniform and brush out my pink hair poking my third eye in the process, I pull my hair up into a bun and sneak out of my room. I don't want to eat breakfast here so I just leave as quietly as I can. I breath a sight of relief when I finally get outside. I walk to school just wanting it to be Wednesday already, I put on my fake cocky smile

and walk into school. I join my friends by the lockers. "hey Boscha we were just talking about the party" I smirk "of course you were" I say we talk about gossip and such, when someone bumps into me I turn around and see Half-a-witch I roll my eyes. "watch where your going" I say in my snarky tone. the Human and blight come to help her up. "whats your problem Boscha?" the Human known as Luz says. I cross my arms "your my problem Human you

shouldn't be here" I say and glare at Amity "you've gone soft blight" I say. I spin on my heals and starting to walk away when something grabs my leg making me fall forward,  I hit the tile I turn on my back and look at what grabbed me it was a vine I look at who cast it and see Half-a-witch standing up commanding the vine, "you can mess with me all you want but leave my friends out of your builling" she says and let me go. I stand up and brush myself

off oh you just messed with the wrong person Half-a-witch, I head to class most of the studnets either stare in 'aww' of me or glare no inbetween. I stare out the window most of class until i black out half way through, the bell screaches, i wake up leaving the class room. I walk down the hall, I stop at the bathroom, there I see Half-a-witch crying? i smirk whats the bitch crying about? I hide in one of the stalls so she doesn't see me. "class sucks Boscha is an

ass Luz and amity have each other Gus has Matt and me? I have no one" she says to herself in the mirror sobbing. I feel a feeing in my chest guilt I've never felt guilty in my life. I hear he leave the bathroom, I sight and walk to the sink "I hurt her like how my dad hurts me" I decide just to avoid her for the rest of the day i'll feel like picking on her later. I walk out of the bathroom and head to my next class. I see one of the blight twins in my class I roll my

eyes and head to my seat. I scroll through my scroll this a tall shadow over sees me. I look up and see Emria standing over me "hey Boscha I wanted to ask if you heard about our party Wednesday?" I nod "I did" Emria smiled "cant wait to see you there" she says giving me a half fake half real smile and walks off the her seat. class was a blur, as I walk home I mental prepare for my dad. I open the door I'm greeted with and angry look on my father. "Boscha" I

feel my heart beat start to pick up "yes Father" I say hesitantly "I heard that you were bested by that Half-a-witch willow am I correct?" I nod "answer me!" he yells "yes sir that is correct" he rolls his eyes "just as I suspected your weak and pathetic you a disgrace for a daughter" he says and before I know it feel

a burning pain cross my face. he retracts his hand and frowns "that's what you get now go to your room" I walk up to my room keeping in my tears. I close my door and fall on to my bed holding back all my tears keeping in my weakness. I lay on my bed and fall asleep in to a nightmare of nothingness.....

words:1024 9/8/2021 [edited 1/5/2022]

first chapter complete yay!!!! <3<3<3

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