Boscha 9#

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After leaving the Park's I walk to Skara's we promised to hang out today I'm also avioding my father. I knock on Skara's door and see her and Bo answer it. "hey Boscha my moms aren't home so it will just be us" Skara says moving out of the way giving me room to walk in, I follow them to her bedroom after shutting the door behind me. I walk in a little after the girls and see them kissing in the bedroom I clear my throat so that they would stop, they stop and

look at me embarrassed I roll my eyes. Its no secret their dating, but it does make me jealous that they get to be soo happy. we sit on the ground or rather I sit on the ground while the two love birds cuddle on the bed. we start to talk when we come on the subject of Willow my face instantly heats up, I need to get in control of the feelings she clearly doesnt like me back "Boscha why's your face so red?" questioned Bo. I cross my arms "none of your business" I say

and turn away. both girls giggle I give them a glare the smile "you like willow" they say at the same time, I feel myself get as red as Amity "yeah so what if I do its not like she would forgive me for everything I've done" I say and sigh the girls stop laughing and look at me with sympathy "Boscha, there might be a chance but maybe try to become her friend first and i mean a true friend not a bitchy friend" Skara said trying to be nice but stern. I roll my eyes "I don't

need your help" I say and leave the room, why am I like this? I push people away when their just trying to help, I walk out of the house, I start to walk where my feet take me I end up at the park, their went many witches but it still felt like alot. I shrug and sit on a swing I plant my feet on the ground keeping me from slipping off, I place my head in my hands. that's when my scroll dings I check the notification and see its a reminder for Amity's Sleepover

in a few days. I roll my eyes and go back to sulking, after a few minutes I walk home and enter the house thankfully my dad is out on a business trip for the thrid time this week, and my mom is probably at a 'friends' house. I know she's been cheating on dad for three years now and I've actually meet the guy once he's nice, but my mom is still a bitch. I walk upstairs too my depressing room and lay on the floor. "why does life have to suck" I say and cover my

face with my hands. I open my eyes and realize its night I guess I feel asleep I stand up and walk over to the mirror and take down my hair I brush it out and change into my pajamas. I sigh and walk downstairs the maids have already left so I just pour myself a bowl of cereal. I finish my food and walk
back to my room, I pull out my scroll and go to penstagram. I check the clock and see its three in the morning, I roll my eyes and go to sleep I enter a dark

nightmare my dad is beating me and I'm beaging him to stop when it switches to my friends telling me I'm useless..... I wake up in a cold sweat a few
minutes before my alarm, "ugh what a great start to the day" I say sarcastically. I stand up and brush out my hair not bothering to put it up. I change into my hexside uniform and walk downstairs I wave by to the maid at the door and walk to school, I arrive and feel people starring at me I give them a

confused look before running into Skara, Bo and Kat "hey girls" I say they look surprised like everyone else at the school. "what is wrong with everyone today" I say they smile "I cant blame them you look good with your hair down" Bo says Skara jabs her in the side I forgot about that I look around and see
Willow starring at me her face goes red when she see me, she ducks into a class room. I smile slightly I feel someone tap me on the should I turn around

and see a red haired boy standing there "can I help you?" I ask "umm..... I just wanted to say you look really pretty today" I give him a confused look
"thanks..... I guess" I say and the boy walks off. for the rest of the day I kept getting complimented on my hair it was honestly getting annoying. I walk out on to the grugby field when I see Willow......

words:860 9/22/2021 [edited 1/6/2022]

Boscha needs a hug... from willow (;

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