Little Peanut

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Hey everyone, I hope your all enjoy the story as much as I am. Thanks for all the comments/votes you guys are awesome we have now reached 221 reads omg so excited :0

A week had passed and school was chaotic. Everyone knew that I was pregnant now, gotta love gossip, but luckily after the second day more interesting news spread, which I was so happy about. Chase and Kelly had a plan, I was never, ever alone. One of them was always with me at home, which was sweet but I did need some space. I never heard from Jake so I decided I didn’t care anymore, obviously he wasn’t interested enough with me or the baby to answer me. Chase kept making calls but no one had seen or heard from him in over a month now. The worst part was that besides Jake I missed Luke, and of course Luke had left with Jake to where ever it is he went.

I had called dad and given him an update on everything and to say he was pissed was an understatement “Do you want me to come home baby girl, I’ll kick his ass” I chuckled “it’s ok daddy Chase and Kelly are already going to beat you to it, im ok daddy really, I have my body guards im good promise”.

I kept myself busy with looking at baby stuff and reading baby books. The more I did the more I got excited about the baby. School was school and with the last month starting final preps had started and Chase was a big help.

A few weeks went by and I had heard the heartbeat of my little one, it was the most amazing experience and today I was going to get to see my little peanut. Kelly had come with me to listen to the baby’s heart so today was Chase’s turn. I loved them I really did but my former best friends had become full on body guards, it was getting ridiculous. They had taken their jobs so seriously that last night they started talking about someone moving in with me, and of course sitting in the car with Chase wasn’t going to be fun, because he was determined to prove my point wrong.

“Ok so what about if you fall and hurt yourself, none of us are there to no”.

“Chase im not going to fall and my iPhone is always on me”.

“Early labour” I rolled my eyes at Chase and shook my head “Look Chase I love that you guys care so much but you have your own lives to live outside of me”. Chase pulled up at the doctors and held my hand tight “Look Becca please just think about it and I would love to live with you, you’re going to need help and im super uncle so why not”. Before I could reply he got out of the car and was holding my door open for me.

It took a little while but I finally got to see the baby, I was a sappy old woman and cried my eyes out and I noticed Chase had a little tear in his eye. We got some prints and I stared at them the whole way home. Chase chuckled and shook his head “You have to admit it was funny when she just assumed we were together talk about awkward” I laughed, yeah explain that the last name was Scott just not the one next to me was just a tad awkward. “I can’t believe this little person is in here and hes 4months old now” I said as I rubbed my belly, I had a decent sized bump so everyone loved grabbing it which freaked me out at first.

We pulled up at the house and headed inside, Chase fixed me some of my awesome mega dessert and we chilled on the lounge. I was thinking about what Chase and Kelly had said and I guess they were kind of right, and it had been great always having someone home with me.

I slid over and climbed into Chase’s lap and hugged him tight, he sat still, shocked at what I was doing, I chuckled and kissed his cheek “Thank you, I don’t say it enough I no, but I am so grateful for everything you have done for me and peanut” he chuckled and held me tight “You don’t have to thank me, I’d be here no matter what, I love you guys” without thinking about what I was doing my lips had suddenly found his. His lips didn’t move against mine for a few moments and before I knew it, we were in a hot and heavy make out session. I pulled away slowly and sat next to him and mumbled a "sorry". Chase chuckled and held me tight "Becca I no you love Jake, I get he's your guy but if he can't be here for whatever reason I really want to be here for you and my nephew. You no I love you but I no your heart isn't for me".

I hugged him tight "Im sorry I shouldn't have done that and me missing jake is no excuse its just sometimes when im alone I think about what it would be like if we had of worked".

"honestly I think about it every day Becca but I'm sure that no matter how much I want us to work I would have screwed it up" he chuckled.

"Do you think we could try. take it really slow". I couldn't look at him as i waited for his answer.

"we can try Becca if you want I would love it" I kissed him softly as we snuggled together on the lounge.

Maybe we could try.....

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