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After he made sure I was done with crying, Collan devoted himself to prepare Indian Biryani. The dish smelt so good.

It was full of vegetables, spices and of course love.

Collan set the table while I searched his fridge for sparkling water. Whenever I eat something strong I always make sure to drink a lot of sparkling water. That's my excuse to drink it in enormous amounts.

I quickly sat down with two glasses in my hands, while my nostrils flared, soaking the aroma. It would be rude if I started eating without him, but the rumbling in my stomach made it impossible to ignore.

"Eat. I'll go check and see if the little guy is up." Great.

Not only did I feel like a scumbag but like a bad mom too. I should be worried of Brio, I should put his needs first and then mine's.

Feeling as a failure mom, inadequate parent made my bil rise, stomach churn because I probably took his opportunity to be in a happy family. He only has me and I'm currently thinking about my hungry stomach and the urge to eat is stronger than ever.

A good parent should always think about their kid first. Selfish wasn't an adjective that I would oftenly use to describe myself but right now it fitted perfectly.

Digging in the biryani, I stuffed my mouth till the point my cheeks were blown as two strong baloons and teeth unable to chew. My fingers were dirty and I was so busy inhaling and gobbling down the food that I haven't noticed my husband who changed his dress shirt into black undershirt.

My throat was extremely dry just looking at his beautiful, carved arms. Strong chest of his that I wanted to smudge honey and chocolate over his muscles, nipples and suck them dry until he panted with lust and throbbing cock. His eyes darted off me to his meal, but I certainly caught him off guard because he was staring at him as if he was able to see the colour of my soul.

Blush quickly took over me because I probably looked like a cow that was stuffing herself crazily. I became stiff at my realization because humilliation washed me over.

I wanted to look away, focus my gaze and mind on something else but I couldn't. Smitten with his handsome self, I was unable to stop looking. But he seemed... Distant.

I was the one who broke the silence...

As usual.

"I'm sorry."

I scared him with my sudden words that his fork slipped down on the floor, followed by his sailor cursing.

"Sorry for that too." Bitting my lips that were probably dirty from the sauce, I looked up only to find him smiling. Huh?

"Stop apologising, you didn't do wrong. It was me." Words that left his beautiful, talented mouth were enough to send me a shiver.

His voice was more hoarse then usual. I wonder why is that? But I was still flattered that for the first time, he didn't yell or bark at me. He was polite and pleasant.

"No, I have to do it. But could you pass me the napkin, please? I cannot talk to you while being dirty like a five year old after lunch." Comparison made him laugh, like sincerely laugh. And I mimicked the action.

'Cause when he laughed, I laughed too.

"I find you pretty adorable, but here you go." He passed me the napkin, his palm resting against mine for too long. But I didn't mind.

Dabbing my lips and cleaning my fingers, I instantly regretted swallowing down so much food. Well, I'll take care of that later. Purging or working out... Maybe both.

"Why were you apologising?" He asked, but immediately frown took over my face. Senile wasn't something that suited him, I even wanted to crack a joke about it but he then rectify himself.

"The first time." Collan said while chewing the bell pepper that was in his rice. Sighing quickly, I interfered my fingers and then started talking.

"I'm sorry that you feel like Brio is your responisibility, the situation at home is rough. Hopefully, within few days I'll be able to move out somewhere and reconnect with Brigita. I mean, I have no idea if she's still in the state... Oh, God... She even left you Brio, I'm such a fuck up." Whining and wiping angry tears, I pressed the heel of my palm to my eyes.

Blackness started appearing and soon enough the different variations, colours and shapes started appearing.

"First of all," Collan emphasized words that were spitting hatred. Well, not certainly hatred but venom. Yes, venom suits him better. "She didn't left him, I picked him up." His voice raised for an octave accentuating word I.

"I wanted to take care of him while that-that" Collan raised his arm, pointing index finger at the side that shook furiously. "Bastard took you and locked you up!" Emotions were whirling from him, overwhelming the whole place, making it unbreathable.

"But you hate me!" I screamed.

Mixed signals were fucking up with my mind, making it impossible to think clear. Did he care about me? Why was he acting like a caring guy all of a sudden? My mind went through a retrospective of past events, ocassions on which he somehow humilliated or used me.

"You-" Standing up with ferocity that crashed porcelain dishes, utensils down on his floor covered with equisite marble tiles, I took a vehement grip on my hair, almost making myself bald in process. "You fucking used me whenever you got a chance! You never cared about my feelings or my heart! You knew how my father started treating me but you anyways continued playing with my feelings! You let me obsses over you like a damn fool!"


Silently he stood there, while I crashed everything down making so much noise that Brio woke up and started crying. We cried parallelly together in union, from my throat were escaping bloody, shivering hollers.

Hands of mine were covered in blood, bruises and pain that was showing. In one moment, my throat clogged leaving me no space to breathe. Wheezing, I fell on the floor trying to breath...

But not even a ray of air touched my flared nostrils.

"Harmony! Don't do this to me!"

And I pass out.

Island of Lies (18+)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon