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For the last month, I have been visiting the orphanage where Brio was staying.

Each time he got bigger and bigger. Little by little he began to be aware of his surroundings and my presence. Sometimes he would even smile, which would of course melt me, he wasn't aware of what was he doing, but still. His toothless grin full of saliva made my day.

Exepct for this one.

They called me today to notify me about his staying.

One family who has been trying to get pregnant for years stood on the waiting list for a long time, and given the situation, they decided to talk to them. I listened to every detail. About how they prepared the room, how Brio likes to be in Allisson's arms and how they took him home yesterday.

Tears began to choke me, I had to move my cell phone away from my lips so that my sobs weren't audible.

They took a part of me.

I had to push my selfishness under the rug and decided to focus on his happiness. As much as I wanted to fulfill the role of a mother I knew I wasnt good enough for it. He wasnt a toy I could deal with when I got bored.

He was a human being.

I didnt have a steady job, a salary, or a place to stay. And most importantly I didnt even have a partner who was crucial for the adoption. I didnt even have a chance to say goodbye to the little one, but I hoped they would let me see him even though I had no right to.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Trying to be discreet, but failing, Tiffany yelled out the question that bothered me too much.

"Nothing." Frowning, she tugged at my wig, passing me another drink which I've drank less than in a minute.

"Woah, slow down with it. I won't be carrying you out of here."

I didnt have the strength to face Collan so Tiffany and I got lost in some gongpit a few miles away from London. The place was old, but with bourbon and good beer the evening went smoothly. Lighting a cigarette, I focused on my friend who was trying to drive the smoke I was blowing towards her with her hands.

"Fucking hell, how can you put that shit in your mouth?" Scrunching her mouth and nose in disgust, Tiffany put her thumb and forefinger around of her nose so she wasn't inhaling the smoke. I dont want to be a passive smoker and die of lung cancer, she oftenly said.

Shrugging and stabing out the cigarette in ashtray, I said:

"It certainly tastes better than cum."

"Excuse you? How would you know how my cum tastes like. For your info it tastes like absolute bliss." Chuckling, I lightened another one, but this time enjoying it slowly with spicyness of the old cognac.

"I was reffering to male population." Stuffing her face now with chicken wings, she backfired me with her full mouth.

"Well, you didn't specify." Exhaling loudly, my mind kept wondering around Brio and his foster parents.

Foster famillies can be fucked up shit and hopefully the people who chose to be his parents knew what they were doing.

"You know what? You are thinking way too much. The kid is in good hands, relax."

But how would she know that. He could've ended up with cannibals who wanted to fry his bum and eat it. Massagging my greasy forehead, I tried to get those pictures out of my mind.

"Harmony stop it! No one will eat him." Tiffany was blowing her fake-brown strands of the wig out of her way so she's able to eat in peace.

"How did you know I was thinking about that?"

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