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Wiping off my wet cheeks, I focused on the wet road.

I adored driving, but driving while streets were flooded with water? Terrified me. Blurry gaze from tears wouldn't benefit my driving neither my fear from crashing into big truck. Or in a big oak tree.

The strands from my long, blond wig were untamable but that will have to wait until I reach the parkin lot. My palms that held the steering wheel were trembling and the sweat that they produced didn't help. Not at all.

Every few seconds I had to slow down, wipe one palm then the other one and continue to drive normally. In any other occasion I would've put some music on, but this was something that indeed needed to be done in silence. My thoughts should be left alone with the sounds of raindrops against my windows not singing along with the Maroon5.

Deciding that I should deviate to the left, I slowed down waiting for the engine to die so that I can check on my face. No makeup is smuged, wig is fixed and looks amazing. It isn't threathening to fall off my head so I should be fine.

Composing my anxious-self, I started the engine again, driving in silence again I soonly park my car in front of the pub. Rain is pouring stronger than ever. Cold wind is blowing and just the thought of that makes my nose red.

Stomach started making loud noises that referred only to diarrhea. But not now. Now is not the time for the toilet. Even though I would do anything to evade encounter with my husband.

Locking up the car, I practically ran towards the entrance while covering head with my elbows. Well, my hair is for sure fucked up now.

Oh my God.

The whole pub is swimming in the cloud of smoke. People are like chimneys smoking strong cuban cigarettes, Marlboro, Newport and Camel. The smell makes me want to vomit, but not because I hate cigarettes. Definitely no. I hate when different brands and smells get mixed. You get disgusting shit to inhale. Parliament was my go to.

I got used to the aroma, scent and everything.

But I decided to quit with it.

I have Brio now and I definitely don't want to exhibit him to the toxicity of that habit. But of course I'm doing a good thing for myself too, I guess...

Standing like an idiot that I am for ten minutes in teh ceneter of the pub where all prying eyes were on me, I haven't noticed the dark shadow that's been hiding from my face.

I could recognize him even if I was blind.

Collan was slowly walking in the dark, avoiding any lights that could light up his face for me to see. His cold but graceful walk with a glass of bourbon was unmistakable. He casually put his hand in his jeans pocket as his broad shoulders moved in line with his hips. Hips that were thrusting passionately into my core, into the heat that devoured and him.

Shivering, I quickly went to the bar ordering two shots to get the courage to talk, because when I felt his eyes on me, when I looked and saw his posture... That cat got my tongue is the least I can say.

Emptying the shots, I was prepared to go to his office but two almigthy hands stopped me.




My heart never beat this loud and painfull against my ribcage. All I could do was breathe, but that was also mission impossible. His carress. One simple carres stole my ability to take oxygen.

Blush crept up coloring my neck, cheeks and breasts. Thank goodness I decided to wear turtleneck and pants because right now he would've had a victorious smirk on his fucking gorgeous face as a proof of my intoxication with him. He didn't move his hands, they were firm and steady on my hips while his mouth collided with my ear.

Island of Lies (18+)Where stories live. Discover now