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Steam started rising from my car.

I crashed fucking badly.

Poor tree, I must have caused a lot of damage. It seems like an old oak which makes me sad. I didn't want to hurt it. Nor my car. But thankfully there were no people around so I didn't hurt anyone else.

I have few cuts, maybe a broken nose too because when I tried to apply the brakes, my head hit the dashboard pretty damn hard. My hands feel lazy, I can't take anything in my hands correctly without dropping it.

I would like to call someone for help, but my throat is so dry and rough that I'm not sure if I can say a word at all. My cell phone fucking dropped and is in the passenger compartment.

It seems so close, and so far away. I am unable to grab it and press a normal call key.

A dream overwhelms me, but I don't give up. I can't sleep now ...
Not until I seek help. I can't die and leave Bria and Brigita alone. I can't leave without seeing my father properly.

I can't leave without telling him the truth.

But I'm leaving ...

The sweet land of dreams overwhelms me, and the last thing I hear are sirens in deafening silence.


"The pressure is good. There are no major injuries other than a bruised wrist and a broken nose. No concussions."

I hear that kind of murmur, but there is so much pressure in my ears that I can barely hear the voices that express my physical condition.

Someone patted me on the head. My heart went through that touch, but it must be cold.

They left me alone, but not for long.

Someone came in.

I hear crying, and tears falling down my head and pouring all the way to my lips. Why doesnt my spirit leave my body like in the movie 'If I stay'?

Why can't I, like Mia, see all my loved ones in the waiting room and decide whether or not to die. Why can't I see my mom?

All these questions bring additional fatigue. And in order to leave in peace, I need a break...

Island of Lies (18+)Where stories live. Discover now