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Turning around on my heel a sudden gasp escaped out of my raw throat filled with certain emotions and thunder of a heartbeat. My husband was walking sex.


Women were losing heads over his daily appearance... But now? Now they were competing in lines for the tiny crumb of his attention. My son was strapped to his chest in beautiful grey carrier and on his head was a little beanie that was probably sewed by Brigita, he rested on Collan's shoulder. Chunky legs were hanging at the sides, his left foot covered in green sock as the other one in blue.

Tears swell in my eyes and before I know they cascade down as I approach my family fastly.

My family.

My whole world that fits in my scrawny arms. Before I grasped what was colliding in my mind, I hugged them tightly making Brio yawn and awake. Collan didn't seem surprised or he just let me enjoy the overly emotional moment because his fists carressed my spine making me arch like a cat into him, digging nails into his back.

Sobs were shaking my whole self like a Katrina hurricane wrecking every fiber and cell with sorrow, leaving me halved. Of course my airways were now feeling swollen just as if I inhaled a glass of salty water from the cold sea and my breathing became heavier.

With my nose I nuzzled and traced lines on his neck, inhaling musky and strong scent mixed with mint that I've always adored. Palm of mine cupped Collan's neck bringing him into me, closer. Right now, I wanted to stay like this... Forever.

But of course I couldn't, coughing from the back brought me into reality again and we splitted making my heart whine. But leaving Gabe without a good explanation was a shitty thing to do, so while I figure what could possibly be the easiest way to convey our relationship to him, Collan decides that maybe the best idea would be to do it himself.

"Collan. Harmony's husband." Introduction was exclusively sterile for some reason which is rude. He could atleast pretend to be interested in my friends.

"Harmony's what?" Gabe's expression was giving away a thousand different emotions. From betrayed, sad to angry. But still looked as if someone splashed him with cold water.

"Husband. Is he deaf or something?" Collan's face scrunched as he refered to me, but Gabe's anger was boiling inside ready to get out.

"No dude, not deaf. Just surprised that someone like Harmony would marry someone like you." Gabe spatted with envy and venom. Collan didn't seem fazed at all, in fact he found this situation hilarious.

"And why is that? Who should she marry, hmm? You?" He mocked Gabe openly, teasing him until he flipped.

"Not me, but perhaps someone younger. Old goat like you isn't able to statisfy young, greedy girl like her." Snort got out of me before I could think and stop myself.

My husband wasn't an old goat. In fact his stamina was incomparable to my own. He could last for hours if he wanted but I couldn't tell him that.

Muscles in Collan's jaw ticked but he remained calm. He would probably smashed pretty boy's face if he wanted but he held my son against his chest, so he didn't want to upset my boy by raising his voice.

"I'm not greedy, and please Gabe behave around my family." Pleading, I hoped that he would soften a bit but it only fueled him more.

"I didn't take you for a cheater, Harms." Gabe his tone was full of anger and hurt because he thought we were going to be together. Poor thing, I must have given him a false hope.

"She isn't. It's your problem that you haven't asked her if she's single. Harmony always thinks that men have innocent intentions, unfortunately some of them are exactly like you." He stated, making my heart flutter. But I am a cheater.

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