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In front of me was beautiful man.

The one that I haven't been able to get out of my mind. The one who hunted me in sleep and reality. The man I totally freaked out about. Whom I last saw in the suit, and now he was standing dressed in front of me in worn-out jeans and a royal blue, woolen sweater.

His face was still absolutely flawless. The fucking God envied his perfection. The black hair was disheveled and wild, not tamed with hair gel. As the first time we met, he was not smiling but studying me in disbelief.

Fuck, did he recognize me?

But how? Well, wonderful! This is going to be a very shitty night. As if it isn't already. This is just the icing on the cake. Sugar at the end, as it were.

Next to him theres no way I could have acted like another person. Under the gaze of those gloomy and mysterious eyes, I would feel naked. As if he could get into my messy mind and read my thoughts. In front of him, I could only be me.

Shy Harmony and no one else.

The one no one wants, the rejected one. The humilliated one.

"Are you fucking smoking in there?!" I felt catastrophic at the time because I made him angry, but statisfyed because I finally dragged somewhat reaction from his stuck up ass.

"Correction, I smoked. I'm sorry, it's one of my habits when I'm anxious, sad or nervous." My cheeks turned red as I spoke to him an intimate fact that only Brigita, Tiffany, and now Hunter knew.

He didn't care why I smoked and why he would? I'm a scoundrel.

"I dont want this to happen again, go outside in the future if you really have to or go to the smoking section."

My heart fluttered and it made a small leap as he uttered those words. But one really caught my eye.

In the future.

How could he just know if I was going to reappear here? I can't risk coming here because my father goes here too. I was not shocked by the fact that Collan is the owner. I expected him to run a sex club.

At the very thought of having his own sex club, my blood boils.

"How do you know if I'll come here again?" My question evokes on his face a sexy seductive smile that he keeps only when he needs to get into someone's panties.

"I don't know, will you?"

Who the fuck am I kidding. As soon as I saw him, I knew I would be back, even if I saw him for a millisecond.

At his question, I blush like a crab and look down at my toes, but Collan soon puts his elegant fingers, which I imagine dipping into my pussy, on my chin and makes me look him straight in the eye.

"I'd like you to come, but I won't force you. But you have to agree to one drink. You owe me." He winks at me and his blue eyes pass over my exposed body for a moment and he licks his lips deliciously.

He puts his hand on my lower back and with his other hand, he grabs the wild lock of my blonde,short, fake hair. My mouth is like the Sahara, dry and ripe, and my body is in anticipation.

We move towards the bar, he says something but I can't hear him. I imagine the two of us and allow myself to sail into that unreal world.

We sit across each other, he orders a scotch while I order sparkling water.

"No alcohol? What are you, a teenager?" He barked that question out with a laughter.

My lips curled in a sour smile thinking about the truth. Goddammit, I am a teenager. I smoked of course, but I've never liked alcohol. I would always get drunk to laugh and to forget about all shit that happens behind closed doors. I never liked a taste of alcohol and suddenly I don't want to taste it ever again. It's enough that I poison myself with tobacco every day.

Island of Lies (18+)Where stories live. Discover now